Chapter 17- Realizations

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I am the target for everyone. I'm no underdog anymore. I'm electric. 15 is in danger. Catniss will be watched but not as closely as me. It all adds together. Why me? Why am I the new Katniss Everdeen? All I did was volunteer for my sister. A lot of people do that. Why not them? Of course, I knew this before, but I forgot.   I don't this, but I am this. I can't control it. But I have to. I have to win for Bels. When yo're about to lose, think of Bells. SHe needs you more than anything. THye could kill her like THey kill Primrose, Katnisss' sister. 

"Yo! Amaranth! Are you alive?"shouts Dahila in my face.

"Yeah, I am." I scowled. The group laughs. 

"Hey guys!" Vanessa says walking in. Her voice isn't in an annoying Capitol accent. She talks normally, which is what I like about her. She doesn't act like a brat. "Can I take Amaranth for a second?"

"Yeah, what's up?" I ask.

"Here's your outfit for The Hunger Games. Try it on. Tomorrow, when you wake up, put it on and come up to the roof. Due to shortage of stylists, I'm staying with you until you're in the arena. " Vanessa says. The outfit is like what I use to hunt. A plain white t-shirt, a hunter's jacket that is light brown and light greenish brown kakis. I tie my hair up in my usual bun. I thank Vanessa and return to my alliance.







The alliance of defiantance. THe alliance the Capitol watches and will kill if they don't watch out.

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