Chapter 4-Goodbye 15

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Belladonna Olivier. Is that what I heard? It couldn't be! 6 slips in one bin with thousands of names. What the hell. I snapped back to reality when Cricket asked who it was. It became legal to do this after the time no one could understand what the escort was saying. Of course the escort was executed, Capitol being the horrendous Capitol. The Escort's accent was thick and ancient, from a place I think was called 'Russia'. Maybe Rushing. I don't think anyone would know. I saw those Games replayed. I saw the bearded man get shot on a Capitol stage, his blood scattering. I shutter at the mere thought. 

"Belladonna Olivier" Dixie repeated. Bells began to walk up to the stage. Her expression was fearful, knowing she'll have a certain, bloody death, as all tributes from 15 do. All bloodbath, it's a miracle that we even make it out of the bloodbath, let alone win. The Capitol forces us to cheer on a tribute, so usually, we cheer on anyone after 10 if any of them make it out. If not, we find an unlikely winner to cheer on, so the C apitol doesn't kill us off.  Of course, what I call the 'career tributes' from 1,2, and 4,who train and volunteer themselves into the Games, yet the Capitol doesn't know or doesn't care even though training is illegal, always win.  

"I-" Cricket began. No, no, no! Not Cricket! Definitely not Bells! No! This can't be! Tears brim my eyes. I let out a bloodcurdling sentence that would insure that I would be dead in a week. What I screamed should be obvious.

"I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!" I scream. Bells scampers down the stage back to the 10 year old section.

I slowly walk up to the stage. Looking at all the confused, sad, sympathizing stares from the teens, the elders, the kids, I think I must be strange, not a new hope like Katniss Everdeen of the second rebellion, the biggest rebellion, but a beacon of fear from District 15. They know what happened before. In all the hundreds of years of no volunteers from 15, I volunteer, like District in 74. I see the fear in their eyes and the anger in others.

"So, like that rebel, Katniss, you volunteered for your younger sister, I'm guessing." Dixie scowls. Not even a Capitol likes me. I'm good as dead. As if everyone in Panem didn't think that about someone from 15.

"Yes." I answer nervously, waiting to go to the justice building to say goodbye forever. Even though Dixie and I are the same height, it feels as if she is toweering over me. 

"What's your name and age?" Dixie asks, bored, clearly wanting to go and escort a Career district. Stupid cpitols, can't even hide their emoitions, as I learned to look indifferent and emoitionless to others, so I wouldn't die from a peacekeeper killing me in the rare chance of that or the Capitol harming me. 

"Amaranth Olivier, age 16." I state, emoitionless, not crying, so I don't show to be weak, so I have at least slim chance of sponsers and possibly even survival.  

"Well it looks like we've got our 8 tributes!" Dixie shouts in her ridictulous Capitol accent. " and may the odds be ever in your favor!"

What? No ones said that since the Mockingjay Rebellion. It's been banned. The Capitol mostly banned anything after the Mockingjay rebellion. They don't want the same reaction Katniss had. I don't why they'd ban a phrase, but whatever. We make our way to the Justice building for forever goodbyes.

When we reach the room, I sit down on the rare velvety couch. I rubbed my fingers along the velvet. It felt smooth and nice. The first person to visit me was one of the traders at the black market, Calla. She said,

"You are a survivor. Nobody else is. Here is a necklace. Keep it for your district item." Calla ties the necklace around my neck. The pendant is in the shape of a key. It's all black except for one thing, a small, almost transparent green Tracker Jacker. Tears stream down her eyes as she runs out of the room. She doesn't believe I'll win. District 15 hasn't won in over 100 years. No mentor, no advice, no living. It's what they say for 15.

Next to visit is Margret. If we have to pair up for something, I'll pair with her. I guess after all these years we got to be friends... almost. Her music is great. But she stopping playing the bass, like I said before.

"Hi, good old, Ara,  I wish you good luck. Win this for me, for your family, for 15. You have what it takes." Margret says then quickly leaves. I hear her faint sobbing. After that is Cedar and Cricket and Father. But what I wonder where Bells is, as you can't leave a kid on the streets of 15 without getting raped, mugged or so by someone. 

"Why'd you volunteer? I could of and you'd have no chance of dying tommorrow." Cricket says, tears streming down her her delicate face, still full of youth and hope, now slowly dying. But then again, aren't we all slowly dying. I refuse to cry. It's hard but I can do it. 

"I have what it takes. You fray away. If I die, you'll be fine. If you die, I won't be fine." I say sternly, trying harder not to cry. If I do cry, I won't get sponsors to survive. It keeps getting harder for tears of my last goodbye not to spill.

"You will win. I know it. Afterall, you've kept us alive. For years, in fact. And have made us happy as well. Win for me, Amaranth." Cedar says, trying to lighen the mood with a touch of hope, but we all still know I'll be dead in a week. Father stays silent, like a stone.

"Win this for your family, Ara." Cricket sternly says while walking out of the room, following Cedar and my Father. The last to visit is Bells. I wonder why she's alone. She doesn't look youthful as she did this morning, she looks pained and broken. No 10 year old should be this broken by the Capitol, or even broken at all. 

"Hey Bells." I say. She runs into my arms, crying.

"Thank you so much for volunteering for me" She says between tears. Sobs drain out her words, so she gives up on talking for a few seconds, that feel like an eturnity.

"You're welcome. While I'm gone, keep our family safe, don't let them die. Hunt." I instruct her. If I die, she has the abiltity to save the family, and knowing her she will. 

"I will. Nice necklace. Who gave it to ya?" She asks, trying to distract herself from the situation. 


"Nice. That key is the key to freedom, happiness and love and win this for me. You got it in you to win. Win for me, please. Win. Just win. Don't give up. It's all you've got. " Bells crys. She cries in my arms. I shed a tear. Eventually, peacekeepers kick Bells out. I wipe my tears. I look in a mirror. I look like I've never even cried. And that's how it has to be. I walk out and soon cameras are filming me walk onto a train. 4 districts per train. Not all in order though and I honestly don't know why. 1,2,4, and 6. 5,7,8, and 9. 3, 10 and 14. 11,12, 13 and 15. I find that strange. Maybe they arranged by likely alliance. Maybe. Luckily, nobody from other districts other then my train than districts than ones that had caught my eye. I try to find Katniss, Dahlia and Fox. I find them at a table with two 13 kids.

"Hello." Dahlia says.

"Just the person we were hoping for." Katniss says.

"Ok..." I question. Maybe4 they saw something in me. They probably just want to kill me. Like most tribute would. Although, I'm not a threat for anyone. 

"We want to make an alliance"

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