Chapter 20-Careers

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In the morning, I notice a lot of our stuff is missing.

"Good morning, Amaranth." Someone says. The careers stand around us as the lot of us wakes up. They are holding most of our stuff.

"We'd kill you in your sleep, but then, we wouldn't hear you scream" The boy holding the trident cackles. He has the classic District Four look to him. I stand up.

"Is that so?" I say, pretending to be intrigued.

"Yes, honey, it is." A girl, that looks like she's from District One cackles. I draw my knife from the belt and tackle the boy with the trident.

"Oh yes, I like it that way, Baby." he moans.

"You pervert!" I put the knife by his throat, it forming a thin line of blood.

"Now, you give me all your weapons and packs and then I'll let you live." I threatren. By this time, my whole alliance has gotten up and is fighting careers. We're outnumbered, but also strong enough to survive.


"No, no, i'll do anything! I'll ally with you, Baby, please!" He pleas. I don't want to kill anyone, but he doesn't deserve to live, he's an assassin and he doesn't flinch at the sight of people that he murdered.


"No." I cut a deep line through the boy's throat, "And stop calling me Baby."


I stand up. Several careers are sprawled across the grass. Three are left. They exchange glances and run away. I see several bodies laying there. Lake is one of them.

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