Chapter 48: White out

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I wake up. Am I in heaven? Is this the real life, Is this a fanatsy? I lay in a bed in an all white room. White walls, white floors, white everything. I slowly get up and wipe the crust out of my eyes. My wound is bad, but has stopped bleeding. My head still feels dizzy, but I'll get through it. I rip the sheets off the bed and stuff them in my small pack, in which they hardly fit. I decide, since I'm alone, I'll organize. I roll up the sheets and blanket together and shove it in the bottom of my pack. I take out the half eaten jerky and save it for later. I put the water bottle in the pack and fling the zipped up pack on my back. Holding the dagger up, I cautiously open the small door. Outside is a hallway. Colored carpeting is on the floor, but the walls are mainly white. Many doors are lined down each side of the hallway. Zap isn't here, with me, so he must be somewhere in here. I open the first door on the left. An unknown tribute lies in the bed, unconscious. I spot a small pack and a shard of glass. I take it and sneak out of the room. I don't want to kill him, he did nothing to me, so I move along. I unlock another room. Unknown girl lies in her bed with nothing. I leave. I sneak in the next room. Unknown Boy with apples. The next room is Fannie from Two. A pack, a spear and some water is what she has. I take it. In the next room is Zap. Thank goodness he's not far. I check out the other packs. Fannie's is the largest, but not by much. I stuff the rolled up sheets, the shard of glass, my dagger, the apple, the half eaten jerky and the two water bottles in Fannie's pack, along with the two empty packs. The pack is heavy, so I finish off the jerky. Holding the spear with one hand, I gently wake up Zap. He at first growls, but relaxes when he sees the it's me. We head out into the hallway, where the unknown boy with the apple angrily spots us.

"Did you steal my apple?" He snarls. I smirk.

"Nope, wrong girl." I lie. His face softens, but then gets angrier.

"You lie." He growls. He attempts to strangle me as I punch him in the eye. A black eye begins to form as he kicks me down.

"You stole my apple." He snarls, crouching down. He drags his hand along my face, " Now I will steal something of yours." I poke him in the stomach with my spear. He cries in pain. It really wasn't that hard, so clearly he can't take the games. I stand up and he crouches down more. I hover above the boy and angrily stab through his fragile body. His yelps of pain turns to a sickly silence.


From behind me I hear an angry growl. I turn around slowly, weapons ready. Cat Green.

"Cat." I gasp. Her hair is tousled and she looks like she wants to kill me.

"You are nothing to me, Amaranth." Her eyes, almost black practically glow. All capitol craziness. She holds a blood-covered knife. She looks evil and instead of staying to fight an insane person, I run. Zig through out corners and edges, puncturing my already wounded arm. My pack is heavy and I'm losing blood. Cat is chasing me, almost catching up. The hair pins stab my skull, releasing blood. Cat's footsteps get louder through the empty hall. Her knife is raised ready to kill. Her pace speedens as I notice Zap isn't here with me. I start to feel woozy but I have to survive this for Bells. A stripe of pain clashes through my back. I crash into somebody. I think it's the girl from twelve, umm whose name is...?


Her hair is a bright orange and has a startled look on her face. She sees Cat and her expression is one of pure shock.

"Catniss." She surprisedly mumbles. Primrose takes my spear and stabs Cat through the stomach. Cat falls to the floor, paralyzed. Shock registers her eyes. Her eyes are back to the normal greyish brown. As her eyes look more and more lifeless.

"Kill me. Kill me now. What I've done is unapologetic. I'm dying. Kill me. I've harmed the lightning. Kill me." Cat croaks. Primrose's honey eyes are pained but she stabs Cat with the spear. Catniss' limbs fall to the ground, previously up in the air, as she becomes lifeless.

Boom! She's definitely dead. Primrose's eyes are soaked with tears streaming down her face.

"Rest in eternal peace, Catniss Green." I say, doing the three finger salute. Primrose silently does the same.

"Thank you, Primrose." I say. The girl, about 14 looks up.

"You're welcome. Umm.. this is kind of awkward, but can we have a like truce to not kill each other, but when we find Gale and someone of your alliance not attempting to kill us, we split?" Primrose asks. She may be lying but, I can see the truthfulness in her eyes.

"Yes. Why not?" I say, agreeing. Her eyes light up. It's nice to see someone delighted, because, lately no one has. Innocence brims Primrose's demeanor, and that is the nice thing. Innocent people are the nicest. We walk for a while, her having the spear, which she, is apparently very good at. We check out some of the rooms, which are mostly filled with unknown kids. We're silent, even though no one appears to be around. It'd be good to know the person you have to trust a bit, so I spark up a conversation.

"So, are you named after Katniss Everdeen's sister, or the actual plant?" I awkwardly ask. I truly hope I'm not offending her.

"I'm not sure. A lot of people in my district are named Primrose, Katniss/Catniss, Gale, Peeta, Haymitch, stuff like that in hope we can finish off the Games for once and for all." She says, honestly, checking our surroundings. I think that's a bit silly, seeing how the other rebellions turned out, but it doesn't really matter to me, because it'd be nice to have the Games gone. But I don't think that'll EVER happen. It's a nice thought, though.

"Oh, that's cool." I simply reply. Primrose adjusts her hair which flatly lays down.


Shit. What killer's out? Primrose's eyes go wide. We silently sneak the direction we were going. We sneak around a corner and see a kid, clearly from thriteen holding a gun. A smirk is plastered over his face.

"Well, well. A famous tribute. Why don't you die, today? We'd all like that." The boy declares, all the way at the end of the hallway. I start to back away slowly. Primrose's eyes are even large. Apparently, the boy had never done this before, because instead of hitting me, he hits Primrose, square in the forehead. Her eyes widen more, as she topples over. I must have a deer in the headlights of the Capitol citizen driver look on, because the boy laughs loudly.

"Not today." An unfamiliar deep voice behind me calls out. I turn behind me and a dark haired boy with a crossbow is standing behind me. I duck, covering my head with my hands. I hear an arrow whizzing over my head. I slowly look up to see the boy fall to the ground, as the arrow pierces his eye.

BOOM! Dead in an instant. The dark haired boy is tending to Primrose. He's crying, calling for her back. This must be Gale. He holds up the crossbow to shoot himself.

"What are you doing?" I shriek. I don't want people to kill themselves if I can do anything about it.

"Amaranth, Victor and well known rebel, do listen. My family, lazy drunk asses, they are. My older siblings could protect and feed our family, but they rely on me. They need to get up and do work. Not only for me. Primie is gone. Primrose is my everything and I want to be with her." He pronounces, shooting himself in the heart. A few eerie seconds, that feel like hours, take place before a canon goes off. I restrain tears of sadness for the young couple. Only fourteen and dead. It's a disgrace the Capitol does this. And not only that, for entertainment. I don't search rooms, I just wander the halls, at times hearing people in the rooms. Zap is closely behind when everything begins to blur. I check my arm for blood. None. As my thoughts begin to scramble and my steps become more of stumbles, I remember that I have a gash on my back. My back! I forgot to attempt to heal it after all that running. Things start to not make sense. The world twists in rainbowous, too bright colors. My body begins to numb and I eventually collapse, once again, into an despicable darkness.

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