Chapter 13- High rank and high heels

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12! How did I get the highest rank?

"Well, Amaranth, I guess they like your anger." Hawk says. We're all cheering. Soon after food is brought out by Avoxes, I retire to my room.

I'm in the arena. I'm surrounded by vicious careers. Each of them has a weapon that they could easily kill me with. Bells is by my side. The careers launch their weapons at us. A arrow launches through Bells' heart. I don't want to kill anybody. But I have to.

"Ara, help me, Ara, help me, Ara help me." Bells cries. I bend down to help her. I'm shot on the spot.

I wake up in tears. I barely notice Dixie standing over me.

"It's a big big big big day, Amaranth! Today's your interview! I will tutor you in walking, and dressing appropriately for your interview, then Jensen will teach you how to make your personality on screen. Isn't that fun!? You and your new friend, Jana get to spend 4 hours with me being girls! eeeee!" Dixie squeals loudly. Ugh. I don't like dresses, I don't like Jana, she's just... no, I know how to walk, and I'm pretty sure I can handle my own interview. What a bunch of idiots. I force myself out of bed. I follow Dixie tiredly into a fancy room. Jana's there, already in a tight dress and high heels.

"Ok Amaranth! Try on this dress and these high heels." Dixie squeaks, motioning towards the dressing room. I go in and put on the green dress. It's squeezing my stomach. It's insanely tight. I'm not wearing this. I slip on the blue high heels. I stand up only to begin wobbling. I hobble towards Jana and Dixie, tripping several times. Jana and Dixie hurry towards me to help me up.

"Try it like this." Dixie says, prancing across the room.

"Like this." Jana says, mimicking Dixie's movements.

"Like this?" I ask, trying to mimic their movements, only to fall and trip. Once I get back up, I put my arms out to help me balance.

"Good, now do that with your back straight, shoulders up, smile and waving!" Dixie says. I try to do as she says, but end up falling.


"Backs Straight, shoulders up, smile, wave!" Dixie frustratedly yells at me and Jana. Jana is able to walk perfectly in heels. Well, of course she is. She IS the mayor's daughter, anyways. Rich enough to afford this stuff.

"Jana, that's perfect! Amaranth, you're hopeless." Dixie says before releasing us. Jana and I, still in our outfits, go to Jensen for a personality review.

"Hello ladies. Isn't today just wonderful? Your interviews, so quick? It seems as if I only just heard of you yesterday." Jensen says. " So let's get started. Jana, you could fragile and weak, but perky. Try that on, Jana."

"Well, in 15, nobody really fights. It's wonderful. I've never held weapon before training. Now being here, in this amazing city is an honor, but I'm not gonna make it in the games." Jana sobs along with her horrible acting. Why does this side of Jana seem familiar? oh right, because SHE IS like this.

"Now Amaranth, you try."

"I got a 12. I'm not weak and they know that." I say, sternly.

"Then act like you don't know how you got a 12." Jensen says.

"Oh. I've never held a weapon. How did I ever get a 12?" I say sarcastically.

"Ok. Let's try this. Strong, detrimined to win. Amaranth you try first. "

"I must win this, for my little sisters, Bells and Cricket. I will try hard, if not harder to be there for family back home in 15." I say.

"Horrible. You're practically hopeless. Jana, you try. Get rid of the headache from Amaranth." Jensen spits.

" I must win this for my father, mother, brothers, even for Fifteen. Never mind... I will win this for my father, mother, brothers, Fifteen. I need the money. Then I will be rich and come here every year!" Jana acts, terribly.

"Bravo! Bravo! Why can't you be like Jana, Amaranth?" Jensen applaudes. But...She's the most terrible actor I've ever seen!

"Like what? A spoiled bratty, rich girl who can't fight? An terrible actor?" I yell.

"She's the best! You are hostile, sarcastic and mean! You're the spoiled one! A decaying city rat has more charm than you!" Jensen yells. Ouch. that hurt. Jensen shows no guilt. Classic Capitol. No feelings.

"Vanessa! Take care of Amaranth!" Vanessa comes and drags me out of the room. Once we're out of there, Vanessa loosens her grip.

"What happened? Are you ok?" Vanessa asks.

"We got into a fight." I say.

"Oh, let me guess, spoiled Capitol arguments from his side." Vanessa says. Spoiled Capitol? Capitols don't think of themselves spoiled at all.

"I wasn't born in the Capitol, ya know. So tell me how everything went." Vanessa explains.

"Well Dixie told me I'm hopeless because I can't walk 'properly' in heels."

"Here, just walk with your feet a little outwards." Vanessa says, kindly. I try it. It actually works. I explain to her what happened.

"Oh! that's horrible. Just be yourself, the kindest self you can be! You'll end up being humorous anyways, Ara. I bet you're glad I let the sponser gifts through, huh, since you don't have a mentor." Vanessa says.

"How do you know my nickname?" I say.

"I hear things. " Vanessa responds.

"Where did you grow up?" I ask.

"The wild. I was born and raised outside the districts." Vanessa says.

"How'd you end up here?"

"My family got caught. They were all executed. except me. I remembered my mother talking about the Hunger Games. I volenteered to help with the games, like style the kids. This was my only excuse to stay alive." Vanessa sadly says. But what I wonder is why she wasn't put in the Games. Maybe it was just that the Districts would get suspicious if a Capitol was in the games.

"I'm so sorry..." I apologize.

"Thanks, Ara."

"I can't even look at you, Amaranth! Vanessa, you style her! I can't even! I'm going to help Kanal with Hawk!" Jensen squeals. Vanessa brings out a pretty black dress.

"Omigosh! That's a beautiful dress!" I say

"Now wear your key with it." Vanessa hands me the key that Calla gave me when I was reaped.

"I thought I left it on the train!" I say.

"I rescued it for you. Now it's your district token." Vanessa says.

"Oh thanks SO much, Vanessa!" I thank. Its now time for the interviews.

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