Chapter 26-girly girl

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Dahila's eyes were wide open and they weren't the warm brown that she usually supported, they were a blood red. In her normally brown-black hair, there was a red streak. It was light enough that you wouldn't notice it in the day, less of in the dark.

"You guys, there's something wrong with Dahila. It's different." I say, motioning for them to come here.

"Of course there is! She tried to kill me!" Anya yelled.

"Her eyes are wide open. They weren't like that before. Her eyes are a blood red, not like her normal brown eyes. There's a light red streak in her hair. You wouldn't notice it likely, even in the light of day. much less in night." I say,

"Wait. Are you saying that the Capitol can pocess you? Like control your mind with these tracker things?" Katniss asks.

"Yeah. If you don't want to kill someone, they can make you kill someone." I say, puttin emphasis on the last part.

"But wouldn't they target you, Amaranth?"Anya asked.

All of the sudden the tracker in my left arm start bleeping and lit up blue.

"Amaranth, your eye! They're turning red!" Anya yelled. I could feel my eyes changing, red swirling in a pool of green. I fight the evil the Capitol is trying to inject in me. I pick up my knife. The others back away.

I hear voices.

"Kill them Amaranth."-President Stitch

"She has blood red swirling around in her eyes."-Anya.

"Get away, she's poccessed!"-Catniss


I can't which ones are real, which ones are in my head.

"Kill them, win for me, Ara"-Bells.

That last one made me want to kill all of them. For Bells. Now eleven year old Bells, I had missed her birthday. That one had to be fake, Bells would never want me to kill people. Instead of lunging my knife into Anya, I plunge the knife in my left arm. I cut out the tracker and throw it as far into the woods as possible.

"Two of us will go, the rest stay here. I'm going. Catniss will go with me. Anya, Adriana, don't go crazy, protect each other and Dahila, we're all we got. Hawk, make sure things don't get out of control." I give Hawk a kiss on the cheek.

"Oooohhhh" Anya cooed.

"Mmm hmm. Amaranth and Hawk, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-" Adriana begins, but I interrupt her.

"Seriously you guys, how old are we?" I ask.

"12"giggles Anya.

"17" Chuckles Adriana

"16" Hawk says.

"16"Katniss says.

"Yeah, we aren't kids" I say

"Actually, I am!" Anya says.

"Ok, fine, I'll allow Anya. But everyone else, cough cough Adriana, no." I say. I grab my knifes. Catniss grabs her machete and we go.

After we can't see any of our alliance anymore, Catniss says,

"Amaranth, can you be a girl for a minute."

"What do you mean be a girl for a minute? I am a girl! Have you not seen me? I'm pretty sure that I am a female human being." I question.

"I mean like one of those gossipy, girly girls who will probably never go into the Hunger Games and if they do, they won't win." She asks.

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