chapter 16- Wake Up

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I wake up in a room covered in white. It must've been a dream. It just must've. I'm not the new Katniss Everdeen. My alliance isn't a girl named Catniss, A ten year named Dahila and Lake from 13. I'm not in the 1000th quarter quell. Neither is Bells. It was all a dream, right. I don't remember much in the few hours before I passed out, though.

"Hello Amaranth. Do you remember what happened before you passed out?" A mysterious voice asked. Who the hell is that. I don't know anyones voice like that.

"Um..."I try to remember. What did happen last night? AnD why am I in a mysterious place? Was i kidnapped. Maybe I'm dead. I failed Bells...

"Yep. We delayed our games for you deary, we were supposed to start the games this morning, but we delayed until tomorrow."

A Capitol assistant says. I get up. I'm wearing the black dress. Dixie rushes in as fast as she can, which isn't very fast.

"Are you ok, Honey? We were SO worried!" Dixie squeals, to my discontent. Her high voice burns my ears. I wave at her, hoping she'll leavr.

"Oh yes, such horrible timing!" Jana squeaks. Kiss up. Heer voice hurts more, but who really cares.

"Oh yes, we must prepare you for the games!" Jensen says. They drag me off the eat some food 'fill my stomach!!' as Capitols would say. Or people from One and Two. Careers. Ick. so I guess this is my (well, end of) life now. I faintly remember the interviews. My interview went pretty well. Apparently I'm an addition to Katniss Everdeen or something weird like that. Hawk did something stupid at the interviews. I don't know what, though. I just can't remember. Although I do remember 'Night Night, Amaranth'. I have to be alert for everyone. Who can I trust? Is it someone in my alliance? Catniss? Dahila? Lake? Fox? Hawk? Is it Jana? A capitol? Jensen? A career? The president? I don't know anymore, and now I have to watch for danger more than before, but then again I'm in the Games.

Soon the president comes in.

"Well if it isn't the electric girl herself? Don't you try going against the capitol. You're electric, not invinsible. The Capitol could pour water on you and you'd die. Don't try anything sweetheart." Her breath smelled of pus and blood. She empathized sweetheart, almost like she spit on me, trying to poison me with her bloody breath. She turned and left. My alliance scurried in as I got up and off of the bed.

"Amaranth! Are you okay?" Catniss yells.

"Yea, I'm fine." I scowl. I don't need her yelled, but my alliance caring abit helps. Not the headache, but helps the trust. A bit. Not a lot though.

"Your dress was amazing." Dahila says,in an admirative tone. It's quiet and not that annoying pitchiness of Jana and Dixie.

"Thanks, but it was all Vanessa." I say, " I think we need to let the redheaded girl from 5 in, ya know, Anya Meadows in our group. She scored well and we could probably use her." I need to get down to business, the Games are tommorrow.

"Good idea. We'll get her." Lake says. He runs out of the room leaving me with Catniss, Fox and Dahila. Soon Anya comes in. Dahila, Fox and Catniss know to leave, so I can have a private conversation with the girl I want to recruit.

"OMIGOSH! Your dress was amazing last night!" Anya squeals. I mentally groan. She better not act like a pest or she's out.

"Anya, I want to add you to our allince. What can you do? Clearly, you scored well compared to the others of Five and you aren't too shabby yourself." I say, rubbing my aching head. I swear if I hear any more squealing, I will explode.

"I can run and jump and do archery. I know how to wire electricity out of almost nothing." Anya says in a normal voice. She looks serious as a twelve year old could get, so I'll take her seriously. Cricket acts like she's 17, so if Cricket can do it, I'm sure Anya can, too.

"Go into the blood bath with me. Grab a pickaxe, throwing knifes and daggers. I will call them 'extra stuff'. I was supposed to get them, but I'm going to get packs and a spear, ok. We're helping them, but you have to keep quiet about it." I say, seriously. She nods, and quietly, almost silently repeats, "Picaxe, knifes, daggers."

"How did you feel when Hawk of all people admited his crush on you?" Anya asked, anxiously. She is lucky she's useful and reminds me of Bells. Suddenly I remember everything. Normally, I wouldn't say how I felt, just hide it, but for some reason I trust her. After all, She does reminds me of Bells.

"Betrayed. I hate it. He made me look weak and stupid." I tell her. She turned serious, like a mentor instructing a pair of tributes what to do.

"He made you look desirable." Anya sternly said, " I know what knocked you out. Who, I mean."

"Who?" I ask. This could help a lot. But, even as a kid, not even a teen, she could lie. But I still listen.

"You can't tell anyone, but I saw this with my own eyes. President Stitch gave you knock out gases from behind, hoping you wouldn't remember. Now you know." Anya says.

"Oh ok. " I say. Anya puts her hair in a bun and walks out the door, "you coming, Amaranth?"

"Yeah!" I shout back. I leave the room and follow Anya back to my alliance.

"She can come into the bloodbath with me. Shes fast. She will pick up extra items that could be of use to us." I say.

"Ok. We should probably talk over dinner." Lake says. Dahila gets some food ordered by the Avoxes.

"So Amaranth, Anya, remember the tune we sing if one of us see another?" Catniss asks. I whistle the tune.

"Do we have a warning tune?" Anya asks.

"Yeah, screaming" Snickers Lake.

"Amaranth, Lake, Catniss, Anya, remember run to the tail of the cornucopia, no matter what. We will meet you there."

All the sudden, it hits me like lightning that I supposedly am.

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