chapter 10- first games

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The first games are like normal games. Now it still wasn't, more people are dying but it seems normal without any super twists to me which I know won't be long after the bloodbath. In the bloodbath we lost 4 people from 3, 4 from Five, 1 from six, 4 from eight 4 from nine 2 from ten 2 from eleven, 2 from twelve, 3 from fourteen, 2 from fifteen. 32 contestants left. So far...


Two-all 4

Three- 0

Four-all 4



Seven-all 4






thriteen- all 4

Fourteen- 1


Now of course, on the fourth day, a volcano exploded. There wasn't much killing for 2 days afterall. Probably only seven deaths and we know the Capitol won't be happy until their is a ton of bloodlust. So on the fourth day the volcano went off, killing ll but twelve tributes. After all, if tributes refuse to kill, then something bad happens. Which left 12 tributes.I don't like the hunger games. but these are more district statuses after the volcano. The volcano killed Ivy. Ivy had been surviving easily and away from most of the other tributes, when the volcano ruined everything. I know I won't make it to the ultimate games, but I was hoping at least Ivy would. Maybe someone else from my alliance will. Maybe Dahila.

One- 1















The victors of the 1000th annual hunger games Part 1 are...

Glitter Waterwows- One, Female

Brutus Bites-Two, Male

Glitz Fish- Four, Female

Nick bluegill,Four male

Pills Sharkson-Four, female

Paige Ajnags-Seven,Female

Bob Snobs-Eleven Male

Rosy Woks- Eleven Female

Rue Jaaow-Twelve, Female

Hinny Shah-thriteen,female

Yule Doody- Fifteen Male

Harley Java- Fifteen Male

"So, now that Ivy's dead, what now?" Lake asks, sad taken over his usually emoitionless face.

"We can't mourn until after our Games." Dahila says. I agree with her, we need to be ready to survive the Games, not have a funeral for our beloved Ivy. R.I.P Ivy.

"Well, 60 tributes, 5 of us. We can stick together until the end." I say, trying to lighen the mood a bit and change our conversation to survival talk.

"If we all survive." Catniss pipes up. She makes a point. I doubt that I'll survive, but with backup I might make it.  We might not have what it takes to get to the ulimate Games.

"True. How are we going to survive the bloodbath, first of all?" Lake asks, suddenly serious.

"Well, we need to know who's going in, what weapons we need, what talents we have and what direction we will head afterwards." Fox says and isn't intruppted, for the first time since the train to the Capitol.

"I can't really use many weapons, but I can run really fast. So I can go in and grab what you guys need." Catniss says.

"Ok, that's a start. I can use a trident and pickaxe. I don't run fast but I can swim fast. So I will run from the Cornicopia towards the tail of it." Lake says. I don't see how that's really helpful unless it's a water arena.

"So we will run towards the tail. I'm good at camouflage. I can climb trees, use a knife and dagger and a katana." Dahila says.I knew there was something about her. She doesn't seem tough, but she is.

" I can run really fast and sneakily. I can weave grass baskets for water. I know how to make a fire and tie snares. I know edible plants from non-edible, poisonous, healing and more." Fox says. I have a feeling he'll betray us. So I'll get all his knowledge before he betrays us.

"What about you, Amaranth?" Lake asks,  seeming geniunely curious.

"I can climb trees, run fast, tie snares, do archery, use the crossbow, hunt and I specialize in throwing knifes. I know most plants from another and how to make water drinkable, and know dieting tips." I say.

"We'll have Katniss, Amaranth and Fox go into the bloodbath. Lake and me will go towards the tail. Once Katniss, Fox and Amaranth get everything, run towards the tail. We'll be waiting. If we see you, but you don't see us, we'll use Katniss Everdeen's whistle." Dahila instructs.

"What's that." Katniss asks. Dahila whistles a four note tune.

" We need a sheath of bow and arrows, a crossbow, knifes, ropes, water bottles, a katana, a trident, a pickaxe, and daggers." Lake lists.

"Ok Katniss will get a sheath of bow and arrows, a katana and a trident. Fox will get ropes, water bottles and a crossbow. Amaranth will get a pickaxe, daggers and throwing knifes." Dahila says. I already know that I'll 'help' more than that.

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