Chapter 21-Lake

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Knowing your Ally is dead is not a good feeling. Lake layed on the grasses, so lifeless, so peacefully. He had blood flowing out of his stomach, but other than that, he looked at peace. The three careers did however, get away with a lot of our stuff. We now havetwo sleeping bags, a sheath of bow and arrows, a mini stove(thank goodness), my knifes, a few water bottles, two daggers, a machete and jerky. I tuck my knifes into my belt.

"We need to grab our stuff and go." I say, "we'll divide it up later." I can feeling the bloodiness of this scarring me at the moment and I want to go. we grab everything walk for hours. Just getting away from the blood makes me happy. The scenery is nice, grasses stretching past the horizon, a big orange sunset.


"Who do you think that was?" Dahila asked, speaking up for the first time today.

"I don't know. The Careers are probably destroying a loner from an outlaying District." Fox says.

"We should divide up our stuff again. It'll benefit us." Catniss commands. We sit down.

"Let's regroup here. Catniss and Dahila, stick together. Anya and Fox, stick together, I'll be fine alone. No complaining. Catniss, take the Machete and a water bottle." My mouth is dry and sticky, aching for water. I haven't had it since the Games started. There ought to be water somewhere. "Dahila, take the daggers. Anya-bow and arrows. And Fox, take the jerky, save some for Anya. I'll take the ministove." It started to get dark again. The anthem started it's melody and several faces show up. 6 deaths.

Girl from One. Boy from Two. Girl from Four. Boy from Four. Boy from Seven. Lake. The Capitol won't be happy.

District Stauses as of now.
















Hawk is still alive. Who did he ally with to stay alive this long?

The trumpets blare loudly through the arena.

"Hey, you guys, it's our new best friend, Cheddar!" I yell to my alliance. I can practically hear the capitol's laughter. But then again my alliance is laughing.

"Amaranth, pay attention!" cheddar yells through the cornucopia. I start cracking up, "Anyways, many of you have been wishing for sponsor gifts, needing something." Kind of like I need water for me and my alliance, "and you may notice sponsor gifts floating above your heads. I'm just saying, be careful what you wish for..."

I don't like the sound of this. everyone is probably poisoned.

"Oh and, tributes, some of them actually have what you need. Don't just not open any of them. If you don't open them within the hour, they'll explode." Cheddar devilishly chuckles.

A sponsor gift practically floats into my hands. I reluctantly begin to open it.


The cannon scares me. I jump a little, the sponsor gift comes flying out of my hand. I dive after it and luckily, I catch it in the palm of my hand. I set the gift down on the ground gently and open it. Inside is a mutt, like a wolf. I back away quickly and draw my knife. It just stands there, confused. Soon, it trots by my side and sits. He appears to be trained. The mutt is black, grey and whit with a little brown. On his front leg, he has a little mark that looks kind of like a zap of lightning. He's kinda cute. I'm gonna name him Zap. If I'm electric girl, he'll be my Zap.

" He's trained. He could be useful. I'm calling him Zap." I say.

"Another mouth to feed. We haven't ate much in two days."Fox complains.

"We are going to get food and water in these, it's just we'll have bad ones." Katniss says.

Another gift fell to the ground. Zap started growling at it. Fox approached it and opened it. A hissing snake pops out. It slivers out and is throwing a hissy fit. Fox runs away. The snake is clearly venomous.


It's not from our group but it upsets the snake more. Anya screams as it slivers towards her. She sets up her bow and arrow while quickly backing away. Zap runs towards it with might and grabs it's torso. The snake attempts biting Zap, but Zap dodges each time, while still holding on to it. Anya shoots her arrow right in the of the snake and it dies in the moment. Zap holds on until he's sure it's dead.

"We have dinner." Dahila chirps.

Just then another sponsor gift comes down. Dahila opens it.

"Oh thank goodness, it's just some berries." she shows the group and is about to pop one in her mouth.


"Then we should keep them." Dahila says.

"Why?" Fox asks, confused.

"If the Careers decide to come for another friendly visit." She slyly replies. It feels weird knowing that we have a plan forming and how climatic this must be for them.

A 'sponsor gift' comes down. Anya opens it. Inside is water. It could be poisoned.

"Fox, you take first sip." I instruct. We all inhale when he takes a little sip.

"It's just water, thankfully." He claims. I'm not convinced yet. I'll give it a day before I drink some.

"Everyone fill their water bottles!" Dahila yells. We all fill our water bottles to the brim. There's none left when another sponsor gift comes down. Seriously? How many of these are there? Catniss takes it.

"A lightning bolt sticker. I think this is for you, Amaranth." Catniss says, sounding more like she was asking a question than a statement. I still don't trust these 'gifts'. For all I know, that thing could pump poison into me. I stash it in my belt buckle.


After a while there are no more cannons going off, so we decide to get some sleep. I let the others sleep. I fiddle with the sticker thing, trying to figure out how it'll kill me. I let Zap sniff it. He picks it up and carries it, signaling for me to follow him.

"No, Zap, get back here boy!" I whisper-yell to him, " Zap, over here,NOW!" I get up and follow him. Not too long after, we reach a woods and in the very distance, I see a lake.

"Zap, lead me back to our alliance." We head back to our alliance quickly. But when we get there, we see someone who isn't in our alliance, standing over Anya.

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