Chapter 24-Who is that girl I see

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I quickly turn around. I see a girl on the ground pulling herself towards us. She has a major wound on her leg. It'll be easy to fix up with some water, and some sponsor medicine. Maybe even stitches.

"Who are you!" I shout.

"Adriana Paw, please don't kill me." The girl says, noticing my knifes are out.

"Why shouldn't we?" Dahila Asks.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I just needed your help. I've already been attacked by Rigoberto's crew. I have no allies. You're the only good people in here." She says, desperately, "Please, I'm not going to do to you what Rigoberto did to me."

"Well, who's dead?" Catniss asks Adriana.

"Jocelyn is dead. chau and her got into a fight. Chau is also dead. Janette is dead." She says.

"Ok We have Octavio, Fern, Alberto, Rafael, Fredda,Loann, Earl,Rigoberto, Kit, Delphi and Mirth. 7 of us. Five more can win."Katniss says.

Everyone in the arena except us:












"Can you carry on for a quarter mile?" I ask.

"Yeah" Adriana says.

"Then follow me." I say, hauling all my stuff over my shoulder.

"Wait! Adriana, what are your skills?"

"Camouflage, water purification, and plant identification." She replies. I have a good vibe about her. she looks like me, except her stylist did something with her hair. Her hair looks originally blonde, but as you go down, you'll see her stylist dyed it red and black at the tips. It gradually goes from blonde to red to black as if her hair is on fire and at the tips is charcoal. Her skin is paler than mine but still tanner than Anya's. She has dark green eyes, and rosy lips. Her hair is down, her hair tie around her wrist.

"Perfect for where we're going." I say, "Zap, lead the way!" I grabbed my stuff and started hiking. The others did the same. Adriana, still on the ground, pulling herself gets a little behind.


I checked to make sure none if my group is too far behind, and Adriana is still pulling herself. She clearly can't walk due to the injury. I tell Fox to carry her. I wonder who's cannon that was then. After a lot of trudging, we made it to the same spot. It looked almost exactly the same as last night. The sun once again started to set.

"Let's set up camp." Dahila says.

"Adriana, here's a water bottle, fill it up with the lake's water and purify it." I say, handing her a water bottle. She puts the correct amount of iodine in it. I take it and pour some on her wound and wash most of the blood out. I attempt to dry it with a leaf.

"Do you have any medicine or a thread and needle?" I ask her.

"No."Adriana replies.

"Hi sponsors. We need a thread and needle or some medicine for her to be able to fight again." I say to the camera.

"It won't come." Dahila says.

"Here, Adriana, share sleeping bags with Catniss, Dahila with Fox, Anya with Hawk." I say.

"Why?" asks Hawk.


"Where will you sleep?" Hawk asks, genuinely concerned.

"In the tree." I reply and I begin climbing.

The anthem plays.

Chau, Girl from Nine( I'm presuming Kit), Janette, and Jocelyn. 17 left. Te Capitol won't be happy. I fall into a much needed sleep.

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