Chapter 30

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Behind another overly excited escort. Yippee.

"We already went through the speeches and blah, so let's cut to the chase. Our dear victors are behind me, Brutus Bites from our own district being one of them. We're having two lucky victors this year. And they would be..."the overly excited escort blurts

"Fannie Bowser and..." She reaches her bright orange nails into the bowl.

"Johnny Had" The two victors confidently strut up, and I immediately think competition, they'll kill me. By the look on Glitter's face, she's either Starstruck or thinking what I am.

As they did in the One reapings, They quickly evacuate the square and shove back on the train. It not being 10 in the meowing yet makes it seem worse. The district 3 Reapings are luckily at ten, a better time though.

Nobody talks on the short ride to Three.

We have plenty of time to hang out before the reaping, but I just take a nap. When I get wakened up, I'm rushed out of the train to District Three's stage. The architecture is quite good but then again they're a crazy bunch of nerds here. Lots of people fiddle with gizmos before the escort starts up.

"Now, as we are done with speeches this year, I was instructed to say, as a reminder to Panem, that no matter how young you are, you still aren't allowed to break rules here. You will be treated the exact same as your elders. Now let's start!" He piped out. This reaping so far has sickened me the most. I mean district two was promised never to go in again but seriously? Under twelve? The won't survive an hour? You could let a baby in! This is low, way low, President.

"Our first contestant is..." The man draws a card from the boys bowl.

"Brayden Dale!" An 6 year old boy walks up to the stage with a console in his hand. He shows weakness but not tears.

"How old are you?" He asks Brayden.

"6." Brayden says, holding up six fingers and a cheeky smile.

"Now for our lovely ladies."

"Madeline Foster." A woman helps a toddler up. The two year old is crying.

"How old are you?" He asks Madeline.

She shakes her head and says, 'no'. She stammers over to me and hugs me. I pick her up and hug her back. Holding her, I ask her age. She says,

"Two," Holding up two fingers, "see Amarwanif, I'm a big girl." which ending out sounding like Bagel. I smile at this. We walk off stage and I ask Dixie if I can stay with Madeline in the justice building.

"No, you'll make us late." She says.

"Can I at least walk her in, she's two years old for godsake." I beg.

"Fine, but be quick." growls Dixie. I rush little Madeline in. As I turn to leave she asks where I am going.

"I have to leave now but I'll be meeting you soon. But you can still watch me on the television." I say, ruffling her hair and I rush out of the building. I run onto the train as it takes off.

"Where were you?" Asks Anya.

"Helping Madeline." I reply, before heading in for another nap. I can't wake so early and not nap. I'm woken at 10:25 to get ready, as we are on in five minutes. I brush my hair out and wait with the rest of the victors.

Dixie practically pushes us out of the train car, stressing that we'll be late. We run to the stage and when we reach there, we're panting. This the all adult reaping. Still sickens me but not as much as District Three's reaping did. They promised these people they didn't ever have to go back to a reaping as a possible contestant again. Bullshit. Look at them now, some old, Eighty some years, and some with fresh terror, being only 19. Some are hoping to be picked. Idiots. Damn careers.

"Hello little fourvians! The pre victories are behind me, a striking three from our own district! no matter how old you are, you still can't escape the Capitol's rules.You will be treated the exact same as your youngers. as the 18& older drawing comes to a start, lets get rollin' .." I honestly didn't understand what he said. Oh wait where did I hear this speech before? District Three.

"Our girl tribute is.."

"I volunteer!" A young woman with blond hair bounces up to the stage, "Daniella Lobster! 19" This is the one I knew would volunteer. 'Criminals' in one are against the Capitol and Victors rather don't go back in games. No volunteers other than the Careers, really.

"Our male tribute is..." the escort starts

"I volunteer!" Who knew, another volunteer. A brunette struts up to the stage.

"Alex Hunt. 26." He says in a deep voice.

"That wraps up our reaping!" We head back to the train again, bored by all this. other than the sickness I feel to this, this is getting boring. Goddamn it Capitol. So stupid reaping people. For death. Maybe the next district will be... different. Afterall it is Anya's district

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