Chapter 28-Victors Interview

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In the hovercraft are their mentors, and our prep teams, stylists and escorts. My prep team takes me to a room where they are going to 'fix me up again.' Vanessa has dyed her a Dark brown. and looks, besides the light pink eyebrows and tattoos, normal. Her hair is straight, not in an updo' like Palter or Gede's. They wax my legs, arms, pits, and the back of my neck. It hurts like hell. I try not to scream. I swear, these fashion things will kill me before the Games do. They force me into a shower with lots of scents. They paint my nails pink of all colors.

"Why pink?" I ask.

"It makes you look cute and innocent." Gede says. That was the end of that discussion. They send me to Jensen who congratulates me.

" Very electrifying!" He says. He puts me in a yellow sundress that migrates into pink at the bottom. Let me guess, innocence. He puts me hair in low pigtails, so now I look like I'm only 12. I go back to Vanessa for last looks. She put in pink heart earrings.

"Why with the innocent look?" I ask her.

"Because. You caused more trouble than Katniss did in her first games! Stitch will be after you! And it's not even the Ultimate games yet. just when I put my hands up, you twirl ok?" She replys.

"Ok." Soon we landed back at the remake center and went to the 15th floor. Dixie, as well as Anya, Catniss and Adriana's escorts, mentors and prep teams/stylists sat at one table and the victors at another.

"I can't believe we won the Hunger Games!" Anya squeals. We laugh.

"I thought I was going to die." Adriana said. Presidemt Stitch walked in the room with his camera crew.

"Hello, Victors of the second games! You, along with the other victors from

The first games will attend each reaping for the Ultimate games! Check out your competition! I can't wait! Hahahahaha!" President Stitch deviously laughs. After we finished eating, we go down to the place where they hold the interviews.

"Ladies and Gentleman, Amaranth Olivier, Hawk Skywaters, Catniss Green, Adriana Paw and Anya Smith!" Cheddar calls out quickly. I curl up against Hawk. He puts one arm around me. The crowd 'awwws'.

"Catniss, so,you're broken romance. Tell me." Cheddar picks.

"Well, Fox, he was such a great guy. And one night, we were talking and he kissed me. It was magical." Catniss sighs.

"Ohhh ok.... We're getting our little romance in first this time!" Cheddar says, "Anya, do you have a romance, you should be telling about?"

"Romance, icky!" Anya squeaks, looking disgusted.

"How about you, Adriana?Any thing for the looovveee doctor?"

"Eh. Not really. But I'm telling ya, Hawk and Amaranth sure do!" Adriana teases.

"What do you mean, not really, what's there then, hmm , HMMM?" He asks.

"Nothing you'd want to know." She responds. I smile at this.

"Yes, we want to know!" Cheddar shouts.

"Well, I...uh... kinda like this....guy." She turns ten shades red.

"Well, what's his name?" Cheddar asks.

"Shhh... it's a secret." Adriana whispered.

"We can keep a secret, can't we!" Cheddar asks the audience. A chorus of yes' respond.

"The whole world can keep a secret? From who? Aliens?" Adriana asks. The crowd laughs.

"Why don't you ask the crazy relationshipers right there? They are cuddling right now!"Anya asks.

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