chapter 5-alliance

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"Good. I've noticed some of you." I say flatly. I try not to show emoition, not even the tiny burst excitement I find in an alliance who actually wants me that I want to, because usually, when I want something, I don't get it unless I get it myself, so I don't usually want things, let alone people. I may need extra backup if I get in a fight, so even I have a small chance of surviving. 

"Sit." Dahlia says. I take a seat, like in an illegal game of poker. When I was 14, I felt I needed a change in my life, even death might do. So I talked to some guys at my black market in a run down factory. Techinally, the factory could still run, but nobody runs it unless they have a special day or auction going on. In an auction, they use the old coverbelts to show stuff and their prices, but that is a story for another day. Anyways, I talked to the slezey guys, that now I know I probably shouldn't of talked to, and I head upstairs and found guys sitting at a round table with cards, moveable dots like they use in bingo at the community home, and money/goods. I pulled out a chair and played the game. I won some goods, but lost some,too. I played for several months, everyday, until one day when I was out, they got busted and excuted by the peacekeepers. Lucky thing for me, they never knew my name, never will, and now they're dead.

"My name may be Catniss and I may look like the Mockjngjay, But I can't hunt. " Catniss admits, sadly. Her greyish-blue eyes have a begger look to them, like the homeless in 15, begging for money, food, goods, or even a job. The only difference is that she looks nice in her purple long dress and they look ragged in their rags. Catniss' hair is in a ponytail. From her reaping, I think she's 14. 

"You look strong" I say " ikke a survivor."Her eyes show pure strength. No weakness. I hope I look that way too, so I get the sponsors I perhaps need to survive.  No one can survive without a little help in the Hunger Games, no matter who it is, not even the Careers.

"You remind me of the mockjngjay." Catniss tells me. It's kind of a random thing, as I'm nothing like Katniss Everdeen, and never will be, because with my luck, I'll be dead before I can do anything like Katniss Everdeen.  I don't agree, but I don't argue either, it could ruin my alliance's trust with me, and it'sjust plain rude.

"Thank you." I say, silently disagreeing with her. But something about her seems like she has fairly good judgement. But I know the Capitol will try to kill her because she seems excatly like the mockingjay. 

"The necklace, the volunteering for your sister, it all says The New and Improved Katniss Everdeen. " a 13 kid says. I don't know how they will help us, they aren't very good at the Games, and they don't work mines until their chance of being in the Games is over. But then again, I can trust this new Katniss'  judgement. It's also in her eye. I hope I'm right. Usually I am. It's how I judged Ethai and Margret. They were great. But now they're gone. Ethai can be in a room with me, but not be mentally there. And I'll probably never see Margret again. Thank you, Hunger Games. Thank you for taking me away from my perfectly good life. Thank you for killing me. Thank you for hurting my family as well. 

"Can you remind me your names?" I say, secretly hoping to find out the kid's from 13 names. I don't have to pay attention to names to know that they are basic graphite miners. 

"Dahlia" says Dahlia the storng looking ten year old from Eleven. 

"Katniss." Says Katniss.

"Lake" says the boy with brown hair from 13. Lake. Do they even haave a lake in Thirteen? There's a small lake outside of Fifthteen. Sometimes I fish there or collect rasberries from a rasberry patch next to the lake. Mother showed me there when I was 8. A large house stands near it, from ancient times when these lands were free fo all to form. Even the whole world. It's 2 stories, like a house from victor's villiage, a place no one resides. It has fireplace that can warm the whole house and four bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a hallway. My house is a room plus a latrine restroom the quite frankly, stinks. Cricket would yell at Cedar for it, knowing he stunk it up, or at least thinking he did. 

"Ivy" says the girl with black hair from 13. Her eyes are black, but in  a way, still warm and sweet. Almost too innocent looking for the Hinger Games.

"Fox" whispers Fox.  He doesn't sem to be talkitive like Catniss. 

"Thank you. Call me Amaranth." I reply, stating the obvious.

"We will stick together until there are 12 tributes left and then we'll split up but not turn on each other right away. Catniss will be targeted from the Capital because of her name look and district." Lake confirms. A truce, I see. Smart and clever idea. I like it.

"Agreed" We all agree.

Looks like I've got an alliance. I hope I can trust them. 

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