chapter 7- Jensen

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Usually, in the district parade, my district dresses up as hamburgers and fries. No one pays attention to our float. It's sad, really. Dancing Hamburgers don't intrest people. Why would it? It looks cheesy. A guy, I guess, Jensen comes in my room. He has artificial red hair. Really? Faking natural hair? if you want ntural looking hair, then stick with natural looking hair. 

"Well, well, well. Honey, let me show you your dress for the fabulous parade tonight!" He bellows. He shows me a frechfry dress, what a surprise. Note my sarcasm. No sponsors will help me, as the costume, even thoiugh it's small, it gets you noticed if it's fancy. Like District One always does for their overly fancy dresses and tuxedos. 

"I know. It's another French fry dress. But I have a crazy surprise at the parade. " Jensen says, who must of noiced the looks of concern and unimpreesivness on my face. 

"What is it?"I ask. I'm kind of scared now. Some costumes have actually killed a tribute during the parade, and clearly, since I don't want to die, I'm not really sure I want a surprise. Knowing the capitol it's a bad surprise. 

"You'll figure it out. now try the dress on!" Jensen laughs. I put on the fry dress and it's surprisingly thick and tight. I notice extra padding on my breasts. It feels uncomfortable but I don't complain. The Capitol must like this kind of thing. Maybe more sponsors? But I shoo that thought away.

"Trust me, honey. You're the new Katniss Everdeen. And you'll be unnoticed until that girl from 12, whose name is actually Catniss is dead. You will make an entrance so grand, your district for once, will get sponsers." Says Jensen. I don't want to be Katniss. I don't want to, and that'll do nothing to stop the Games. It'd be nice. 

"But I don't want to be the new Katniss. I want to win these games and live happily." I complain, telling the truth instead of a lie. 

"Amaranth, your story will, as you may, will unfold quite like Katniss' story. I bet someone will admit their undying love for you, like Peeta did for Katniss. Maybe it'll be that boy, what's his name- aww yes. Hawk. Of course, this year, it'll be hard to survive. It IS a quell afterall, isn't it? Now Amaranth, It's time for you to go to the district parade." Jensen leads me down flights of stairs to my district float. My float is a normal looking district 15 float except with a pool full of fryer grease. Really? Is it so we can slip and fall and die in it? Damn you, Capitol, alway killing people.

"Well, get in the frier!" Jensen says, motioning towards the pool. I slowly get in the pool and watch the people from One take off. The crowd goes crazy, as usual for a basic float.. The girls are wearing luxurious, colorful dresses and the guys are wearing fancy tuxedos. Of course, they are, being from One. So luxurious. So basc. Two takes off then Three and Four, and soon enough the get to Dahila's float. Being from Eleven, they wear fruit and vegetable costumes, being a food source for the Capitol. Not as bad as ten, who are dressed up as cows every year.Twelve wear coal miner outfits, except modified to look sexy on them and have flames painted on their clothes. Not as grand as One, but still  they get a lot of screen time, like the Careers do every year. Thirteen wears graphite miner gears. Fourteen wears nerd costumes look like they're evaluating something. Finally, our float starts up. The crowd cheers as I see they're faces fall, think how lame is fifthteen again. Gosh, I get already, can't you  pretend that our float is the most amazing thing you see at least? I can't argue that our group looks really lame. The greece warms up, and I see the other girls attempt to get out of the frier and succed.  I try to get out of the frier when I notice a tingly feeling around my stomach. Soon the feeling goes wherever the dress is. I don't know why, though. Then I realize.. MY DRESS IS DISSOLVING! I try to get back in the frier, but the grease grows dramtically in temperature and is too hot for me to be in after I dip my toe in. My toe is dark burnt color. I frantically try to cover up. None of the other girls are dissolving! Why is this happening to me? Is this Jensen's surprise? I'm telling you, I was so hoping for a good surprise.  The crowd looks anxiously at me to see what happens next. Clearly my float gets more screen time then normal. Suddenly, under my dress appears a tight white dress. One that looks like a dress from pre-Panem. What do they call it? A waitress. A waitress' dress was underneath the fry dress. I stand up on my float and blow kisses to the crowd. They go crazy! The Capitol citizens grab on to the air like my kisses are real. Flowers of different types hit me over and over again, some with more force than others. Suddenly, I'm falling. Into the pool of grease.

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