💐Falling, game, poems, love and a happy ending...//Poofless🍃

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No this isn't a sad one! Ill be making (most of them) happy, weird or I don't know but many would be happy ones. I hate showing negativeness to other people and I keep it for myself. Yes I'm one of those people, but I like everyone happy then they make me happy. Anyways, thank you for reading.

Note: this isn't Minecraft so Preston and Jerome aren't in there MC (Minecraft) skins


«Preston's POV»

It's the last day of the school week, or you could say Friday (I'm sorry If this isn't the day when your school week is over for me it is). And it's my last period too, everyone would take quick glances of the clock every now and then.Our English teacher, Ms. Escareal, (I'm sorry Reese [she's one of my fams in a group] if your reading this) was one of the nicest and coolest teachers here ,because every time when the class is about to end she'll give us 10 minutes to do our stuff, just make sure that it wouldn't be to noisy though. I looked at the time, 15 minutes left. I sighed and went back to the board.

 Then Ms. Escareal looked at the time and looked back at us with a smile, "Ok class, it's free time!" She says with glee, we all cheered and went to talking, playing and other stuff. I was classes with Mitch and Vikk in English. I went over and talk to them.

 "Hello Puuurrrsston!" Mitch luaghed. I playfully glared at him, "Did you just call me Purston?" I asked. "7 seconds ago, yes" He answers, Vikk laughs at what answer he said. I playfully rolled my eyes. "by the way Preston... we heard some news from Matt and Kenny" Vikk changes the subject. I see Mitch making the 'oh-yeah-I-remember' face and he nodded, "Spill it" i tell them. "ya know your little crush, Rob?" Mitch started. "Y-yeah?" I stuttered my cheeks tinted pink, Rob was one of the most popular guys here at school following, Lachlan and Jerome, and I was Bi and so as Vikk and Mitch, So I had a major crush on him. "We heard that... Rob has--" They were both cut off by the bell ring. Ms. Escareal smiled and said goodbye to everyone, the students politely did the same to her, packed their things and left the room, I did the same.

Vikk and Mitch followed me to my locker, I set my things in my locker and went my way the other following. "So what were you saying again, about Rob, like 10 minutes ago?" I asked them. They both nodded to each other. "As we were saying Rob has a--" They got cut of , again, when I hit someone when we turned a sharp left. I felt like I slipped onto my feet and was about to fall, I closed my eyes to expect a sharp pain on my head, and back, but I felt a pair of strong arms gripping one of my hands, and the other on my waist. I opened my eyes to see who it was and it was... ROB?! I felt my cheeks go warm and panic building in me. I was wide-eyed. I see a smirked from his face, and his other friends, Lachlan and Jerome looking at us, so as my friends.

 I escaped the grip of his and started to stutter and panic. "I-I'm so sorry! I d-didn't see y-you there, and I w-was talking to m-my friends, and I... umm... uh..." I stuttered losing words to say. I could hear Mitch whispering on Vikk "Speaking of Rob...". I rub the back of my neck, awkwardly, I nervously laughed, "I'm seriously sorry, really.." I tell him looking at my hands.

«3rd person's POV (surprise mother fudgers! ok I'm sorry)»

 Preston was a mess, he was nervous as hell, blushing red, stuttered like crazy, and kept on saying 'sorry' in many ways. But to Rob he smiled at the little nervous Preston, he was cute for how fragile and adorable he is, he loved the way on how he blush whenever he's around Rob, its just everything to him, he was 'a perfect' for him. He took one of his hands and the other one, under the chin of the the cactus making him look t him. Preston blushed redder then the red flowers that Rob would grow in his garden. "No need to be sorry" Rob says in a soft tone, Preston was screaming inside his head right now, but he at least responded with a stuttered "okay" and a nod. Rob smiled at him.

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