Remember when....?

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Do you remember when...

Team crafted was a group?....

Remember when they we're all great friends?

Remember when they would all play Minecraft together?

Remember when Ty keeps on exploding map?

Remember when they played Hunger deans?

Remember when Mitch and Ian hitted everyone else with Nerf guns?

Remember when Husky was kept calling 'FIEESHHH'?

Remember when Seto was still there?

Remember when they all lived in the same house?

Remember when they always prank eachother?

Remember when they do everything with each other?

Remember when their friendship mattered most?

Remember when they always laughed and smiled?

Remember when Subs didn't matter much to them?

Remember when they all do things together?

Remember when they do videos together

Remember when they did't break apart one by one?

Remember when many watched them being happy?

Remember when millions became sad when they all left?

Remember when they all we're the bestest of friends?

Remember when they barely fight at things?

Remember when they always hang out?

Remember when thousands were inspired by them?

Remember when people begged for them to come back?

Remember when fame didn't mean much to them?

Remember when they were one of the greatest groups?

...Do you remember?...

I remember....

Team Crafted, was their name.
Sad. Ik. I just wanted to update somthing and... this got on my mind.

They were my favorites, and they still are. They were great and an awesome team....

I really missed TC. Do you?

I do.

Do you remember?

I rememeber them.


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