Just pretend//Vikklan part 2

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Don't you love school? Hahah, I hate it now lmao. Sorry CrystalHeartRing the long wait, I got this pretty long and it is almost done with a part 3.

Ship: Vikklan

Side ship/s: A hint of Minizerk

Warnings: Mild swearing

Words: 5507


Lachlan's POV

 I open my eyes quietly to see in a room that isn't mine with its window leaking out sunlight. I hum to myself as I see that the person who owns the room isn't with me. I sit up from the bed slowly and yawn a bit. Questioning on where Vik is since I'm assuming, he woke up first and isn't present with me. I stretch a bit until I hear the door swing open.

 I look up to see its Vik, and he's holding a tray with food. I raised an eyebrow at him as he looks at me as well. "Oh, I see that you're awake." He smiles a bit. I nod as he steps in the room and closes the door with his foot. "Yeah..." I yawn again. "And what do you have there?" I ask, referring to the tray he's still holding. "You mean the tray? I... um, it's breakfast, for you." He blushed a bit once he said that. I blush as well as he comes over and sits down on the bed.

 He places the tray down on my lap and my face reddens a bit more. "I made you some eggs and toast with butter on it..." he trails off with a slightly embarrassed smile on his face. "I-I... well, thanks Vikky..." I say as I looked down surprised. "It's just a thanks for helping me, and it also helps make it look like we're dating." He explains to me as I nod and take a small bite of the eggs. I perk up at the taste.

 "This taste great, you've been practicing or something?" I tell him all the sudden. He seems completely surprised, but a smile appeared on his face. "Well, uh, yeah. I've been cooking a bit for the past month or so, but I can only do very few things." He says, slightly blushing. He's glad though that I like it. "It's... nice." I quietly say to him. He nods his head and lays down with a sigh. I raise an eyebrow at him and give him a patient smile. "I'm guessing your going to tell me something that you think I'll be weirded out of?" I tell him.

 He became quiet for a bit before laughing in embarrassment. "You really do know me, don't you?" He smiles, looking up at me. "Of course. I'm one of your best friends, and as your 'boyfriend' I have to know a lot about you." I state, eating a bit more after smiling at him. His cheeks went red and after a while he started to giggle. I don't know why, but I just realized on how adorable his laughs really are. Every time I heard him laugh it would be the light of my day. I know I shouldn't really think things like that. We are just close friends who has each other's back, but I know I can't lie that Vik is an amazing person.

 "Thanks, Lachy..." He mumbled quietly. "For what?" I ask, thinking its just him being thankful that I'm helping him. "For everything." He answers, kind of catching me off guard. "I know that you're my best friend and that we'll help each other." He sighs and continues, "I just don't know how you put up with me and my problems." Now /that/ really caught me off guard, but I know what he means. I knew very well what he means, and it is the reason why our friendship is also so close.

 When I first met him, he was hesitant with everything and was always just so quiet. He didn't trust people quite easily, and back then he barely trusted the Sidemen. I remembered when I was in a call with Josh and I asked him if Vik was always like that. It took him some time to give an answer. He wasn't completely sure either, but Vik would often stay in his room and barely do anything with them. He wouldn't say much and was sometimes be unresponsive or change the subject when he got asked why.

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