Flower Meanings//Poofless

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I have a schedule for this book now, Saturday/Sunday, hehe-

Mood: Fluff

Main ship: Poofless

Side ship: Noochzahutt

Words: 4,038

Warnings: None

Rob's POV

"Thanks again, Rob!" The beautiful man tells me as he waves goodbye to me for today. "Of course, Preston. I hope your mother will like vase of lilies and white jasmines!" I smile at him, he makes his adorable laugh, smiling back. "I know she will!" He shouts again before closing the door and leaving the shop. I sigh slightly as a small grin stayed on my face.

My co-worker, Brandon, looks at me as he walks by with a box of poppies. "You're smitten, Latsky." He laughs as he places the box down behind the counter. I didn't quite hear him since I was busy thinking about the boy earlier. "Huh?" I say in a dumb tone, turned around, and raising an eyebrow at him. He snorts as he dusts himself off. "Smitten, Rob. You're into Preston, romantically." He simply says, looking at me with a smirk. I blush as I turn back around. "Maybe..." I whispered, still smiling a little.

"You have to ask him out or at least say your feelings to him, dude." He says, climbing up and sitting on the counter and looking at me. I shake my head, "No way, you know I won't even be able to have the confidence to do that." I am not going to go up to Preston, because I do not have that level of confidence like Brandon has when he asked his now current boyfriend, Matt, out. "I didn't say it had to be face-to-face dumbo—" "Writing notes to him is a no way as well, you know I suck at doing poems or even love notes." I cut him off. He rolls his eyes. "Oh my god, let me finish," he says. "You don't have to say or write anything, you specialize in flowers Rob, you can give him a bouquet and let him read flower meanings."

I glance at him. "That's... actually not a bad idea," Brandon smirks at me as he tilts his head. "Right? You just had to let me finish." I nodded at him but was still unsure. "Would he even know what the flowers are? He might not understand it, or maybe even get the wrong message..." I bit the inside of my cheek. If Preston didn't understand, he would ask me why I sent the flowers, and as I said before, I am not the greatest when it comes to talking about my feelings face-to-face. If he gets the wrong message, only the worse can happen and I really rather not have that.

"Get something simpler with the right meaning, like roses, or lilacs, maybe red tulips—" "What about peonies?" I ask him. He looks at me, a small smile showing as he nodded. "And we can add another flower for some variance and more color, like some white clovers, zinnias or honeysuckles?" I look at him, thinking about it. It would be... kind of cute. "It does mean you are thinking about him, so..." Brandon giggles beside me, stretching the 'o' in the last word. "I guess... we can add some yarrows. They're wild but would look pretty good." I whisper, scratching the back of my head. Brandon makes a sound of triumph before getting off the counter. "I'll find the batch of wild yellow yarrows outside of the garden; we already have some peonies here." He quickly says rounding the corner from the back. I stared wide-eyed "Am I really going have to go do it right now?" I shout a bit, loud enough for him to hear. "Yeah, so you won't back down or forget about it. We're going to do it today Robert!" He didn't even give me time to protest when I hear the door open and close shut and I sigh. I guess I have to really do this now. Which is fair enough, the message should be easy enough, right?


Brandon quickly drags me down the pathway beside the road by my arm while the bouquet of flowers was held in my other arm. "Brandon! Slow down!" But of course, he didn't listen, he was way too determined to get this job done. He may be smaller and younger than me, but he has this adrenaline that I'll never have. Suddenly we stop without warning, me almost bumping into him. "Here we are." He whispers as he then faces me, letting go of my arm. "C'mon! Just put the flowers in the mailbox with your name on it!" Brandon urges me, already pulling up the lid of the mailbox.

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