Poofless// Red Rose

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Hey! Another update!!! Be proud of meeeeeee.

Main ship: Poofless

Side ship/s: Just need me some Vikklan

Kind: Fluff

Warning/s: N/A

Please enjoy it!

Preston’s POV

Everyone was staring at me for some reason. They were either jealous or in shock. Did I do something?

Whatever it is, I don’t like the attention. I don’t want to be in any part of the spotlight.

I walked down the school’s hallways with everyone’s eyes following me. I can hear them whispering to each other. Is there some kind of rumor of me or is this some sick joke?

I shook my head. I’ll ask Vikk, he must know. Vikk is my closest friend and is a shy but smart kid. Some people said that he and Lachlan, one of the popular ones, are together or something. I’m the only actual person who knows they are dating.

I walk over to my locker and open it. I raised an eyebrow in question when I see a rose in my locker. Since when did people give me gifts?

I took the rose between two of my fingers. It was beautiful alright. The petals are pure, bright red. The stem had it’s thorns removed. One single leaf stuck out, clean and fresh. I don’t know why, but it really made me smile.

I got all my stuff for Homeroom and held the rose carefully in my hand, as I walked down the hallway. I never thought someone could take care of flowers this well. I’ve seen pretty gardens, but this was given by an expert for sure.

I could feel people looking at me and the rose. I ignored them for now and entered Homeroom class. Looking around, just a few people here. They were nerds, geeks or the quiet ones. Vikk of course was one of them.

I sat beside Vikk. Who looked up from his book and faced me, eyes seemingly want to tell me something. “Preston, did you here the rumors?” He asks, putting his book down.

“No, not really. People were looking at me when I came in though,” I pulled out the rose from earlier and showed him. “And I got this rose in my locker.” I tell him.

He gasped once his eyes looked at the rose. “The rumors are true then.” He mumbles. I raised an eyebrow “What do you mean?” So there is a rumor about me.

“Someone over heard Robert Latsky saying he wants to ask someone out in the back of the school while talking to his most trusted friends.” Vikk explained and looks back up at me. “The name believed to be heard was,” He points at the rose “You, Preston.”

My eyes went wide. Robert Latsky liking me? Me?! “Vikk, your joking right?” I pleaded, wanting see a source of him joking. To my shock, he shook his head in disagreement. I replayed what he said in my head.

The reason why this surprise me is because I’m the biggest geek here in the entire school and Rob is one of the most popular people here in school–Then again Vikk and Lachlan became a couple like that– but still! I’ve fell for him since Freshman year. My feelings have just been growing everyday. Him liking me back? This must be a mistake.

…………...…»Time Skip»………………

The day felt like it was quicker than usual. During my time here, I haven’t seem Rob anywhere which kind of worried me, but I didn’t think much of it. The rose soothed me the whole time somehow.

People kept staring at me either in the halls or in classes. Words that would accidentally slip in my ear.

“Wow, Rob liking Preston? Sounds like a miracle.”

“Preston is a total geek, I should have Robert not him”

“He is a lucky guy, Robert Latsky is like one of the hottest guys.”

“Now that I look at Preston, he is actually seems like an interesting person.”

“Nah, I think Rob would be better off with a girl.”

“Hey! Preston and Rob would make a great couple!”

“The gayness has sailed and I love it!”

A few were mean, but majority was them being nice and thinking we would fit together nicely. I’d like to think of that myself. Some people actually came up to me saying good luck and how lucky I am.

I walked into the cafeteria, buying myself some lunch and walking to my usual table. Vikk waiting for me, surprisingly with his boyfriend next to him.

“Hey Vikk, Hi there Lachlan.” I greet them and sat down on the table. “Oh hey Preston. Heard about the gossiping about you and Robbie?” Lachlan says with his thick Australian accent. I nod my head and start to take small bites of my chicken.

“I was with Rob that time, and since he knows I’m dating my cute Vikky here who is friends with you,” He stops to give Vikk small kiss on the cheek, making him blush. “He told me to tell you to go meet him at the back of the school after your last class.”

I nod my head, understanding his instructions. We just talked for the rest of the lunch. I don’t get to talk to Lachlan much since he has practice usually. He is a cool guy and treats Vikk well so we’re pretty good friends even if we don’t talk much.

Vikk is pretty lucky to have him. I’ve seen times when Lachlan gets overprotective about him or whenever Vikk would blush when Lachlan swoons him. Whatever happens, I know they’ll be a great and everlasting couple.

Though it was kind of hard to think straight for the rest of the day, besides from me fanboying when a Vikklan moment happens. It was because no one has even seen Rob today.

Has he fallen sick? Was he joking this whole time? Did he suddenly find someone else? Had an alien abducted him while getting to school? Okay, maybe not the last one, but it still could be possible!

Thoughts raced into my mind as I waited for last period to end. I was the last one to leave my classroom.

I slowly walked down the hallway to my locker. I left all my things in that I wouldn’t need, but I kept the rose safely with me.

I bit my lip, it’s now or never. Do I trust the rumors or will I leave and think to myself that it’s just a fantasy like always. No, I’ve kept my dreams high in having Rob in my life, this is the one opportunity I can get.

I felt a buzz in my phone and I checked it out. 2 massages actually. I opened the first one.

Vikk🌟: I’m leaving school w/ Lachy. I’ll see you tom. I hope for the best for u!

I smiled to myself and opened the second one.

Aussieboy🐟: Good luck Lava-P. I know Robbie likes u ;)

I giggled and blushed a bit. Thanks Vikklan.

I head to the back of the school, the halls were almost deserted by now. I gulped as I see the cherry blossom tree with flowers around it. It was empty, but peaceful.

I dropped my bag on the ground to lean against the tree. I stared at the beautiful greenery. The flowers slowly danced as the tree swayed too. Small cherry blossoms falling off from time to time. I just stood there with the rose in my hand.

I waited for 10 minutes. He still wasn’t here and I became anxious. I felt like reality was laughing at me from how much of a fool I am.

As I was about to give up hope from all my dreams until I see a figure at the distance running to me. I looked at them and my breath hitched as I see Robert.

He was wearing a nice, black tux with a bowtie. A big bouquet of flowers that were roses, daisies, daffodils and tulips, wrapped all together in orange fabric. His hair was neater and his eyes were welcoming. He truly was stunning if I do say so myself.

I stood, waiting for his next movement. He smiled as he stopped in front of me. A light blush settling in my face.

“I am so sorry for being late my dear. I was having some trouble to find a nice tux and a beautiful bouquet that would match your beauty.” He says smoothly, like any other popular and flirty guy would say. It made my heart flutter at how charming he was.

He noticed the rose that was still in my hand. Smiling as he took gently “I see that you found my gift.” I blushed a bit more and nodded. He then placed the plant behind my left ear, making me look up at him.

His grin grew wider and he handed me the batch of flowers he’s been holding. “For you, beautiful.” The redness spread more in my face. Taking the flowers in my hands, I felt my heart pounding in my chest almost painfully.

“U-Um… T-Thank you...” I stuttered out. Taking a light sniff if the flowers, they were fresh and smelt great. He smiled at me brighter when I spoke up.

“You must’ve heard the rumors haven’t you?” He asks me. My eyes trailed up at him and I nodded my head. “Should have known it would spread out so quickly.” He joked and it made me giggle.

“But is it true?” I questioned him. He hummed in confusion. I sighed and held the bouquet close to me. “Do you actually like me as you know like like me?”

  He stared at me for a few seconds and chuckled “You think I’m joking? I’ve liked you since you showed up!” He exclaimed.

I looked at him in disbelief “R-Really? Your not j-joking?” He shook his head yes and held one of my hands with both of his, talking about how he liked me.

“I always thought you were cute once I first saw you at English. Your also pretty smart. I overheard you were a geek in video games and I love video games too. I just never talked to you because I was a bit too nervous and I was scared my friends would dislike me if they think I liked you.” He paused for a bit, seeming to be ashamed he didn’t tell me sooner.

“But I found out they were okay with me being me and some of them were also into guys. I told them a lot about,” He looked deep into my eyes and grinned “Well, you.” A smile crept on my lips as he that.

“Somehow people learned about it pretty quickly, so I just had to ask you out as soon as I can.” He tells me. I felt the blush on my face go brighter.

“So I’m here to ask, would you be my boyfriend, so I can stop having love letters in my locker?” He asks, eyes pleading for a good answer. I happily nodded and squealed out a “Yes!”

He laughs and slams his lips on mine. I soon kissed back, feeling a spark at our connection. He snaked his hands on my hips while I placed mine on his shoulders. The kiss lasted for around a minute and I enjoyed every second of it.

He soon pulled away with a happy look on his face, I can tell I had one too. This is possibly one of the best days of my life.

He then took my hand and asked “May I walk you home?” I nodded my head at him. He then took my bag that was leaning on the tree and I held the flowers he had given me. He took his other hand out and I took it as we both leave the school together.

We talked a bit as he walked me home. Telling stories of our childhood, making jokes that both of us would laugh off of, or tell each other on what we loved about the other one. I felt safe around him during the whole time.

We stopped by at my house, him leading me to my porch. He stopped and smiled at me. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” I giggled and nodded “Definitely.”

I felt a buzz in my pocket and try to get my phone “Hold up Robbie.” I got it and looked at the message.


I giggled and showed the text from Rob, who also laughed. “Seems like Lachy’s boyfriend is shipping us a lot now.” I giggled and nodded at his statement.

He took my phone and typed his number in and gave it back to me. “Text or call me if you need anything.” I smiled and put my phone back in my pocket.

“Anyways, I’ll be at the front of the gate waiting for you tomorrow.” He then pecks my lips “Love you, Preston.” I smiled to myself and looked up at him “Love you too, Robbie.” I kissed his cheek.

He left with a happy a smile and I went back into my home with one as well. I unwrapped the flowers and placed them in a glass vase with water in the living room.

I soon called Vikk who answered almost immediately. Lachlan was there too who also wanted to hear the story. I told them everything, but caught off when Lachlan asked.

“Preston, what’s that behind your ear?”

I rose an eyebrow, but then giggled. I almost forgot Lachlan didn’t see the flower Rob first gave me.

“Well, Rob gave me it. It’s a red rose."

And done! Hope you guys enjoyed that! I'll be probably sending out another Poofless, Merome or Kenoco, which evee comes first.

Anyways, as always hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next story, bye~

Much love,

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