Merome Mistletoe (Christmas special)

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Ship: Merome (DRRRR)

Side ship/s: To lazy to yep. Just read the fricken story. Also don't judge me and my ships.

Type: FLufF

Warnings: just cute sh*ts. 

Also I know Mitch is taller than Jerome, but Jerome is fricken top, so he's taller than Mitch. Come at me haters.


3rd Person's POV

 The glowing lights of each building illuminated the town brightly. The snow that fell from above were scattered making small hills of white build up in matter of time. Children would come out and gather to make Snowmen and do snowball fights. The cold crisp of the air gave a nice touch to the atmosphere.

  It's just a day before Christmas. Decorations of bright colors were placed around the Merome house. The Pack thought it would be a great idea to celebrate Christmas in the Merome household. They decided to bring a few friends in too.

 It was a busy day for the two boys. They had to prepare the place before the guests arrived. Jerome took care of the setting the tree up, while Mitch wrapped the gifts they bought, except for one which Jerome already did. Both of them placed the rest of the decorations in the house. They would've done things a lot faster if they haven't been starting a game every 10 minutes later.

 While finishing up the last few decorations in the living room, Mitch blushed as he found a mistletoe in one of the boxes, he kept it inside though. As much as he wants to hang it to possibly get a kiss from his best friend who he had a crush on for  year now, he also doesn't want to make things awkward for both of them or any of the guests who already are in relationships.

 Poofless came in and went straight to the kitchen. Rob and Preston volunteered to make the food once they come in, meaning the couple would be earlier than anyone else. Jerome and Mitch would spy on them from time to time to make sure they were cooking and not seducing each other, they did accept them cuddling, Rob placing his arms around Preston's torso, cheesy sweet talk and small kisses. They also almost started a war, but Jerome was there before any egg was thrown.

 Soon enough, Vikk, Lachlan and the rest of the Sidemen came too. It was a surprise to everyone that the whole Sidemen would be joining them. Since none of the other Sidemen had nothing planned for the rest of the holiday month, they thought it wouldn't hurt to go to Florida and catch up with the other pack members.

 Mitch was about to place the star on the tree, that's when Vikk came and asked if he could do it. Mitch wouldn't say 'no' to him if it's something like this, but it's also that Lachlan and The Sidemen are there, keeping on eye on him. If he would not accepted, Vikk would be sad which will get Lachlan and possibly one or two Sidemen to make him. then Vikk would have to tell them it's okay and try not to get Mitch killed.

(What happens to me in school. Sairi, why do you want Jim to die so badly just because he called me beautiful. Hillary, it's okay if a guy jokingky 'hits' me. Little sis, please try not to kill anyone.)

 It's bad enough to have an over-protective Australian boyfriend and 6 over-protective best friends, but them all together? Mess with the small Brit and you'll have a death wish.

 Then again, Mitch smiled at the dark-haired male and gave the golden star to him, trying to ignore the fact that Vikk's boyfriend and best friends are looking at him. Vikk thanked Mitch happily, making the guys who were watching nod at Mitch with a smile, and also meaning Mitch will not die today.

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