La da dee // SetoSolace

201 12 49


Oh and their in their MC skins too!


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 I looked at the ticket that Brice gave me, he's going to perform a song with the some of the other team crafted, not all of them. Just Adam, Husky/Quentin (Is that how you spell it?), Jerome, Mitch and Brice himself, I always liked Brice more then a friend. I was sitting down on my chair and desk, just looking at the ticket, I want to tell him my feelings, but I don't know if he'll like me back...

The concert is tomorrow...

 He hasn't told me the song yet, and even if I asked so many times all he says is "It's a surprise, and I can't tell you why, you'll see soon.". I sighed, I'm going to see it soon.

 It was getting late, I placed the ticket on the table and changed to go to bed. After taking a quick bath and changing to my pajamas, I yawned as I dragged myself to my bed. I took a glance at the ticket on my table and let the darkness consume me...

...I wonder if Brice likes me back.

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Time Skip! ✧゚・:

As I sat down on the very, front row, with Ty, Ian, Jason and Tyler.

 The place was packed with people (come back to this when you find a smiliar line in the song, I didn't even realized I actually placed this) many were fans of team crafted. Ty was on my left and Ian on my other.

 I made a loud sigh that made Ty look at me "You ok dude?" He asks. "Ya, It's just Brice, ya' know..." I answered, Out of all of them besides from Brice, I trust Ty the most, he's like a brother to me, and he can get overprotective around me sometimes. Ty smiled and said "You little crush on him huh?". I nodded with a flushed face. "Maybe, this concert might help that..." he chuckles.

What does he mean it might help?

Does he know what's going to happen?

I bet he does, but as much as I want to ask him that, he'll just reply with something like "Sorry can't tell you." Or a "You'll see soon.", ya he will. I just responded with a sigh and a nod.

 We waited that felt like a month or so... but it's really just been an hour.

 Then I see some guy that walked up on the front of the stage. "Ok ladies and gentlemen, the performance will now be on, please take your seats for the show, have a good day and thank you." He says and left.

 I stood straight in my seat as I see Brice and the others go to the front with there set up. I see Brice taking a quick glance at me and a smile on his face. I couldn't help but smile back, a shy one that is. As some people adjust the lights from some where up there to make the view better. In their colors. (Check the description to for the colors!)

I see Brice leaning up to the Mic. "This song is for a special guy that I've always liked ever since I met him, and this song is for him, it's called 'la la dee' by Cody Simpson" He says and smiles. And he said a special guy. the crowd went like 'ooooooooohhhh', they weren't homophobic luckily... so he likes guys? So I have a chance! But what guy does he like? More specifically WHO does he like? Not me most probably. I sighed as I went back to reality and watched.

(Play the song pls! {on the top of the chapter})

Adam starts strumming the guitar with his finger tips then I hear Jerome beating the drums, Brice shaking of the tambourine (If you can hear closely you can hear bell noises, when he sings and I hope it is the tambourine) and heavenly voice...

MC one-shots and stories!// The pack, team crafted,etc.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz