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End of day


I was waiting in the parking lot for my best friend and Lauren to arrive.

"Hey Y/N." I turned to look behind me and saw the sophomore Mason Bruhn standing behind me.

I debated on whether to say anything or not so I just nodded.

"Umm I know you may not know me, but I was uh- uh wondering if you maybe wanted to g-" I looked at him and he was rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. He was interrupted by Maddie jumping in between us. 

"Sup pretty boy? What are you doing over on this side of the parking lot? Aren't your little football buddies over there?" She pointed toward the picnic tables on the other side of the Parking lot.

"Umm yeah, but I saw Y/N over here alone and wanted to ask her something." He rubbed his neck again.

"Well ask her.." She smirked.

"I'm just going to say it.. Y/Nwouldyougoonadatewithme?" He spoke super fast and I couldn't understand him.

"Slow down Mason. What was that?" He sighed.

"Will you go on a date with me?" I looked at him and was about to say that I couldn't, but then I saw a bouquet of flowers at my feet and Lauren was sprinting back into the school.

"LAUREN! Babe!" I dropped my backpack onto the ground and ran after her following her into the library. It was after hours so no one would be in there.

"Baby? Where are you?" I heard sniffles coming from the middle schoolers section.

"Come one Babe. Please talk to me." I walked over between the two tall shelves and saw Lauren sitting with her back up against the one section.

I sat down beside her and wrapped my arms around her body and kissed her temple.

"Go back to your boyfriend...." She managed to whimper out in between cries.

"Um first off, he is NOT my boyfriend..I don't even like guys remember? Second off, I was just waiting for you like you said to. I was going to deny him of the date, but you ran off to soon. I have an amazing girlfriend and I don't want to mess up anything." She raised her head from between her knees and sat up giving me the puppy dog face.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I just got scared that you were going to leave me for him even after we just made up this morning." I saw that her eyes were still glossy from the previous tears and I took my hand and placed it on the side of my girlfriends face.

"Lauren....I love you....I know that I'm moving way to fast and you don't have to say it back, but I know for a fact that I do love you....So so much." I leaned in and captured her bottom lip between mine and gently sucked on it.

"Mmmhm...Will your mom be home when we get back?" I looked at her and stood up placing my hand in front of me helping her up.

"She might be. I got a random text from her that said 'I love you' and 'bye', but I'm sure it was for someone else." She raised an eye brow and we walked out of the library back into the parking lot.

"You guys are just full of drama today Jesus Christ." Kalani rolled her eyes and hopped in the drivers seat.

"Just ignore her baby." Lauren opened my door and I hopped in. She did the same right after me.

Arriving back home

"Baby I don't see your moms car?" I looked outside the window and noticed that the garage door was opened.

I walked over to it and saw that almost everything was missing from inside.

"Jesus mom. She never remembers to shut this thing and we probably just got robbed." I took my phone out of my pocket and noticed there were three calls from my sister Kadence, so I typed in her number and let it ring until she finally answered.

(K=Kadence & Y=Y/N)

"Hey why did you call so much?"-Y

"Umm Y/N I don't really know how to tell you this...but umm..."-K

"What just tell me."-Y

"Mom and dad are gone.."-K

"Wa-whatta you mean there gone?!"-Y

"Go look in the house. Stay on the phone with me."- K

"Oh my god....Where is everything?!"-Y

"That's not the only problem baby...They also gave up Aaron."-K

"I know this is a lot to handle right now, call me back later okay. I'm on my way to Miami right now with Kya. I love you sissy."-K

"Okay, I love you too."-Y

I ended the call and dropped to my knees, I saw that my whole house was basically rummaged through. I began to let out loud cried and Lauren rushed in to the living room.

"Baby what's....." She looked around and noticed that everything was almost all gone.

"Babe what happened?" She got on her knees and wrapped her arms around me.

"I-I-I don't k-know. My s-sister s-said that my mom l-left and they g-gave Aaron a-away." I continued to cry and Lauren pulled me onto her lap and rubbed my back.

"Come on, Kalani brought your stuff in and went back home. I'll call her later and tell her to come over. Let's go lay down." She picked me up and carried me with her hands under my thighs and my head on her shoulder.

We entered my room and she layed me down on the bed.

"Baby, let's get you in more comfortable clothes okay." I nodded and she slowly pulled my jeans off and my shirt. There was nothing sexual about this, it was all romantic and full of love.

She grabbed her long sweatshirt out from her backpack and threw it on over top of me. She went to the bathroom and changed really quickly coming back out in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

I layed on my side and awaited for my girlfriends body to lay beside mine. When she finally joined me, she draped her left arm over my body and kissed the back of my neck.

I had still been crying, but I was getting calmer.

"I called Kalani and she said she will be over in a little while. She said that she loves you. Let's get some rest. I will wake you later my love." I sniffled a few more times and turned around in the bed so that I was facing my girlfriend.

"I love you so much." I nuzzled my face into her chest and listened to her heart beat.

After a little while, my eyes got really heavy and finally my eyes shut and I let sleep take over me.

A/N( So this Linus Bruhn(AKA Mason) he is a really good singer you should check him out on YouTube, but I hope you liked  this chapter! Bye you spicy meatballs

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A/N( So this Linus Bruhn(AKA Mason) he is a really good singer you should check him out on YouTube, but I hope you liked  this chapter! Bye you spicy meatballs.)❤✌🏻

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