Twenty four

306 10 0

Lauren's POV

"Baby, you must be extremely hungry. What do you want to eat?" I asked my girlfriend who sat quietly in the passenger seat.

"Nothing...." She just rested her head against the window and closed her eyes.

"Come on babe. I know your hungry, I'll get you whatever you want." She threw her hands in the air and slammed them back down on her thighs.

"I said I don't want anything!" My eyes widened at the sudden outburst my girlfriend had and felt a ping in my heart.

"O-Okay. Sorry..." I mumbled softly.

I continued to drive until we reached my house and I pulled into the drive way.

"Your stuff is inside, if you don't want that th-" She walked right past me and into the house.

The front door slammed shut on my face and I just stood there.

I didn't know why she was so upset with me all of a sudden. She said she wasn't mad, but I guess she actually is.

I walked back to my car and got into the back seat, crawling into a ball and letting the tears fall.

What did I do wrong?
How will I fix this?
We just got over a fight.

All these thoughts and questions were going through my head until I was taken out of my thought by a tapping on the car window.

I sat up and quickly wiped my eyes from the tears that still hadn't fallen and saw Kadence standing by the window.

I opened the door and she had a worried look on her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Where would she have gone Lauren? Ive been looking for hours and I can't find her anywhere. I asked Kalani, I asked Mady..." I put my hands on her shoulders and gave her a gentle shake.

"I have her. She called me this morning. Calm down, we just got back." She let out a sigh of relief and went to sit on the edge of my porch.

"Why didn't you call me?"

"Because we just got back. And I-I just don't know okay. You can go now and I'll drop her off later." Kadence shook her head.

"No, no. She can stay if she wants, you guys can spend time together. I just wanted to know if she was found or not. Thank you for looking for her.....What's wrong?" I let a few tears slip out onto my face and I started to feel dizzy so I sat down.

"Sh-She's mad. I can tell."

"Why would she be mad at you? What happened last night?"

"The one girl last night was flirting with me and-and she kissed me. I couldn't push her off fast enough before Y/N ran away." I saw the look on Kadence's face and I brought my face to rest on my knees.

"Hey, hey. Your fine, you pushed her off. Y/N shouldn't have ran away that fast. Just give it some time." She rubbed my back while I was choking on tears.

"She said she wasn't mad when I picked her up, then she was really quiet in the car so I asked if she wanted me to get her anything to eat. She said no and I pushed the question again and she yelled at me.....She's never yelled at me like that." I wiped some more off my tears off with the palm of my hand and Kadence pulled me into a hug.

"Lauren you'll be okay. Just let her have some time alone." I nodded and stood up from where I had been sitting.

"Okay. Now go in there, and RELAX." I nodded again and gave Kadence one last hug before she got in her car and left.

A few minutes of silently standing on the lurch and I finally decided to go inside.

I opened the door and saw no trace of my girlfriend so I went into the kitchen, grabbed myself a glass of water and walked back out to the living room.

I plopped down on the couch and wrapped myself up in my big cozy blanket, turning on Friends.

My eyes started to get really heavy so I just decided to go to sleep.


"Lauren.....LAUREN?" I had been laying in Lauren's bed for about an hour and she had never come up to sit with me.

I started to get a little worried so I just walked down the stairs.

I went into the kitchen thinking maybe she would be in there, but she wasn't so I then walked into the living room and noticed her sound asleep on the couch.

She's so adorable when she's asleep.

I walked over to where she was laying down and I got onto her level, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Mmhmmm.." She mumbled and I she started to run her eyes.

"Wakey wakey sleepy head." I rubbed her arm a little and she sat up with a nervous look on her face.

"What's wrong love?" I rose my hand to place it on her cheek, but she basically jumped out of her seat.

"What did I do?" I was getting really scared and I wanted to know what I had done to her.

"Baby please talk to me?" She looked up from her hands and stared into my eyes.

"You yelled at me earlier and...and I didn't know what to do.." A small tear fell from her eye and I quickly pulled her into a hug.

"I'm so so sorry babe. I didn't even realize I was yelling at you. I didn't mean to do that, I don't want you to be upset. I still love you okay." She nodded and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Wanna go grab something to eat?" She nodded again.

"We can go and get something, but you need a shower first. You. Stink." We both giggled and I crossed my arms.

"I do not stink. You stink!" I said trying to defend myself.

"Okay we both stink. Maybe we can shower together to save some water huh?" Lauren gave me a quick wink before getting off the couch and running up the stairs.

This will be fun.

A/N( I'm very sorry for not posting in a while. I don't have any chapters prewritten so this is all raw right now. I'm actually really really sad right now and I'm trying to just write to get things out of my head, but I hope you understand this chapter because I don't think it's written very well. Thank you again and ENJOY! COMMENT AND LIKE)💕✌🏻

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