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Lauren's POV

I woke up to an ear piercing scream and I quickly sat up in bed looking around for my girlfriend.

She wasn't on the bed, but she was on the floor curled into a ball crying.

"Baby what's wrong?!" I threw the covers off of me and got down on my knees pulling Y/N onto my lap.

She didn't say anything she just started to wheeze. She was having a hard time breathing.

"Babe, in through the nose out through the mouth. Slow breaths, you've got this." I rubbed her back trying to calm her, but it wasn't working.

"KADENCE!! HELP" I yelled as loud as I possibly could trying to wake someone up.

Kadence and Riley both ran into the bed room and saw the condition there younger sister was in.

"How did this happen?!" Kadence tried fanning Y/N trying to cool her down, she was starting to get drenched in sweat.

"Baby, talk to us. Tell us what you need." I took grabbed my phone from the charger and put it onto my notes.

"Type what you need." She took the phone out of my hand typing a sentence into it.

I read it and it says...

Inhaler. Kalani has my inhaler.

"Why would she have your inhaler?" She still couldn't breath so I got onto my call list and called Kalani.

(K=Kalani & L= Lauren)

"Ummm, hello?"-K

"HEY! You have Y/N's inhaler right?"-L

"No not anymore. I threw it away a few weeks ago. Why?"-K

"She can't fucking breath!"-L

"Calm down dammit, tell her to slow her breathes."-K

"You really don't think we tried that?"-L

I didn't even let her answer before I ended the call and threw my phone onto the bed.

"Riley go get her a cold washcloth for her head, I'm going to go and see if I can find something. Lauren just stay here and try to calm her." Both of the girls quickly ran out of the room trying to find the stuff.

Riley ran back into the room and gently put the cold washcloth on Y/N's forehead.

"I FOUND ONE!" Kadence yelled and entered the room while taking the cap off the red and white inhaler.

"Open your mouth sissy."

Y/N did as she was told and opened her mouth.

"When I press it, take a deep breath in and don't cough it out." Kadence pressed it and Y/N took a deep breath.

"Th-thank you." She croaked out.

I pulled her as close to my chest as possible, it was actually starting to hurt a little.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry." Y/N was crying on my shoulder and I kissed her temple.

"Why are you sorry? I should be sorry that I couldn't help you." She was finally catching her breath and she kissed my shoulder.

Breathless( Lauren, Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now