Moving into team 10

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Ariana's P.O.V
Im moving into team 10 today ugh im so nervous the reason i was moving was because jake is like a big brother to me and he wanted me to move in so i said yes. I was gonna miss my best friend Y/N so since i got an extra ticket to california she is coming with me so that i wouldn't miss her so much. I got ready packed my stuff and i went to pick up Y/N she wasn't ready yet so i packed her stuff while she got ready.

Your P.O.V
Ariana packed for me while i took a shower and got dressed when i was done i checked the time and the plane was gonna take off in 20 minutes so i helped ari pack my stuff and then we put them in the car and we rushed towards the airport we ran to our plane and thankfully made it on time.

Ariana's P.O.V
We sat down next to each other and then i texted jake.

J = jake and A = ariana

A - just got in the plane be there like in 6 hours

J - Ok tell me know 5 minutes before so i can pick you up

A - K bye love u

J - love u too

After that i turned my phone off and just relaxed and talked to Y/N through the hole plane ride. Hours passed and i checked my phone and we were about to arrive so i texted jake to let him know.

A- Im about to arrive

J- K im on my way


When we arrived me and Y/n got out and looked for jake until we found him.

Me: Jake!!

Jake: Ari!!

I gave him a big hug and then i presented jake to Y/n but i guess they knew each other cuz he already knew her name.

Jake: Hi y/n!

You:Hi jake!!

They both hugged and then we got inside his car and he took us to team 10.We soon arrived.

Jake: We are here!

All of us got out and then we went inside the house and everyone greeted Me and y/n.

Everyone in team 10: Welcome!!!

After we all met everyone tessa showed me to my room and y/n to your room. When i got in my room i order my stuff and decorated everything after a couple of hours of doing that i went down stairs.

Tessa:Hey ari wanna join us were watching a movie

Me: Sure want me to tell y/n?


Me: Kay

I walked back upstairs and knocked on your door before​ i came in.

Me: Hey wanna come watch a movie

You: Sure ari lets go

We both went down stairs and then we watched a movie when the movie was over it was time to go to bed so we all went to our rooms and went to sleep.

A/n thx for reading this short chapter i will try to update everyday cuz its everyday bro! nah im playing anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter but now i gtg to bed so peace✌!! love you guys.

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