The plan

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Ariana's P.O.V
I woke up and got dressed and then i herd someone downstairs and i thought it was jake but when i went down stairs it was

VI woke up and got dressed and then i herd someone downstairs and i thought it was jake but when i went down stairs it was

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emilio and this girl they were talking in spanish but
lucky for me i speak Spanish too.The girl was telling emilio a plan to split me and ivan up so she could have ivan back but emilio was trying to ignore her like i know he likes me but he is my best friend so im pretty sure he wouldn't do that to me. I recorded all of their conversation and then i walked over to them

Me - Why would  you wanna split me and ivan up?

Girl - You herd our conversation

Me - Yeah

Girl - Well you better not tell anyone about this

Me - I will

Girl - ill ruin your life

Me - i don't care

Emilio just continued to do what he was doing and then he went to his room.

I went up to my room and just got back in bed and i just watched tv while ivan slept.After a couple of minutes ivan woke up. I wanted to tell him about emilio and the girl but not here and not right now. He got ready and then we went down stairs and i made breakfast for everyone.After that i went upstairs to get my phone i put it in my pocket and then i fed Toulouse and then we ate our breakfast and after that me and ivan went to walk toulouse .

Me - Ivan do you know that girl that was here in the morning?

Ivan - Uhhh…… yeah , why?

Me - Well this morning she was trying to convince emilio to help her slit us up , so i was just wondering if she was one of your ex's

Ivan - Don't actually listen to her she is crazy and yeah she is one of my ex's

Me - Ok

We continued to walk toulouse and then after a couple of hours  we went back to the house and we were gonna teach each other spanish and english so we went to sit on the trampoline and then i teached Ivan more english and ivan teached me more spanish.We played around more than we teached but i still enjoyed it and i learned to say i love you and i said it to everyone.

Me - Everyone te amo ( I love you )

Jake - What?

Tessa - What does that mean?

Emilio - It means she loves you

Jake - Te amo too

Tessa - I love you too

Me - Ok

Me and ivan teached each other for a couple more hours and then we went to starbucks the gym and then we went home and no one was home we were the only ones home. We went to the roof and talked there and he flirts way too much and of course i flirted back. After long minutes passed we went back inside and we went to the trampoline and we laid down and just relax. All i could do is think about that girl, like what if she actually split's  us up? Was emilio part of the plan? and most importantly who was she????? that is the big question.

Me - Hey ivan what was that girls name?

Ivan -  Kayla

Me - Ok

Ivan - Why are you worrying about it , she won't actually do anything to split us up there is nothing that can separate us.

Me - I don't know why i just worry about things too much for some reason i cant describe.

Ivan - We'll be fine , don't worry about it your gonna stress yourself.

Me - Ok

It was getting late so we went to our room and drifted of to sleep.

A/n thx for reading and yes i know this is late but i was pretty busy so yeah sorry bout that . Peace!✌❤

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