Death jenga

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Ariana's P.O.V
I woke up took a cold shower and then i got dressed and put on my everyday ponytail .

VI woke up took a cold shower and then i got dressed and put on my everyday ponytail

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I went downstairs and made breakfast and while i was emilio came down stairs.

Me - Good morning Em!

Emilio - Good morning

I continued to make breakfast and when i was done i woke everyone up , they came downstairs and ate their breakfast and then we played a game. Wich is called death jenga. I was pretty sure someone was gonna get hurt. And guess what someone did get hurt. Who was it? Emilio . He is really clumsy but it wasn't his fault it was Anthony's but emilio saw the pieces of wood coming at him but he dint move at the right time. The wood hit him in the foot.

Emilio - Owww!! my foot

Me - Oh my gosh are you okay

Emilio - Yeah , it just hurts really bad

I went to get him a ice bag and then i gave it too him and he just had to rest for a little while.I was totally expecting some one to get hurt. So i dint really care so much. He was fine  after a couple of hours but he couldn't really walk so good. I couldn't believe ivan dint move him out of the way like he is his brother , but i understand why he dint. After that I laid down on the trampoline and did nothing until Ivan came and laid down with me.

Ivan - What are you doing right here?

Me - I don't know , i guess im just relaxing

Ivan - You don't look so relaxed

Me - Well im not right now , but yeah i was relaxing

Ivan - Did i interrupt you from relaxing?

Me - No

Ivan - Ok

We stayed there for a couple more minutes and then we went to starbucks and then we went back home and just went to our room and stayed there for the rest of the day.

A/n thx for reading and i know its super short but i dint have so much time to write this. So im sorry for that and love you bye.

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