Kidnapped pt.2

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Ariana's P.O.V
Oh no im kidnapped by…………… One of my ex's. His name is Shawn. I hate him so much , he cheated on me a lot. As soon as the car stoped this guy opened the car door and pulled me out roughly. You know it hurts im human too.

Me - Hey! don't pull me so roughly , you now it hurts

The guy just ignored me  and carried me inside the house. He tied me on a chair , logic. And then he guarded the door and as soon as the doors opened shawn came in the room.

Shawn - Well , who do we have here

Me - Ariana grande

Shawn - I know!

Me - Ok, jeez you don't have to yell

Shawn - I want too!

Me - Ok, so why am i here

Shawn - So you can marry me , and be mine forever

Me - I don't wanna marry a piece of shit

Shawn - Well your gonna marry me , or ill just keep you here for ever and torture you.

Me - You will never torture me because my friends will be here in a little while. Just watch

Shawn - Ok we will wait for them that way they can see you suffer.

Camila's P.O.V
When i got out of the store ari wasn't there. I called her name she dint answer. I called and texted her she dint answer me. Eh i guess shes in the house already.I walked back home and when i went inside everyone was worried.

Me - What's wrong?

Jake - Mila where's ari?

Me - I thought she was already here

Jake - Shes not she was with you

Me - I know but i went to the store and she wanted to wait outside for me , and when i got out she wasn't there.

Ivan - This is bad!

Emilio - Yes its really bad

Tessa - Were could she be?

Jake - ill just track her phone

Jake tracked ariana and she was at some dudes house. Me , jake, tessa, emilio , and ivan got on jakes car and drove there. We were there in a couple of minutes and we got their. As soon as we got down from the car we heard screaming, a girl scream , we looked in the window and he was  ……………………

A/n Thx for reading this short chapter , and what do you think Shawn was doing?

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