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I woke up at 10 am pretty late right? ivan was already up and out of the room so i got up and got ready

When i was done getting ready i went down stairs and i found ivan talking to this girl

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When i was done getting ready i went down stairs and i found ivan talking to this girl.She turned around and gave me a dirty look when ivan saw her look at me he quickly introduced us to each other.

Ivan- Hope this is ariana my girlfriend ,ariana this is Hope my ex girlfriend and she is joining team 10.

Hope- Nice to meet you ariana

Me- Nice too meet you too Hope

Hope- Well ivan will you show me around the house?

Me: Actually hope im gonna give him some breakfast so i guess your gonna have to wait a while.

I grabbed Ivan's hand and walked towards the kitchen i gave him breakfast and i ate breakfast with him.When he was done he gave me a kiss on the cheek and then he went to show melanie around the house. I was so bored so i just went to talk to emilio.

Me: What's up Martinez?


Me: How you been

Emilio:Good and you?

Me:Good too

Emilio:Where is ivan?

Me: He is showing Hope around the house

Emilio:Oh okay

Me: Do you need him?

Emilio: Yeah

Me:Okay ill go find him

Emilio: Ok thx

Me: No problem

I went to look for him and i found him outside with Hope talking.

Me: Hey babe emilio needs you

Ivan: Ok

He went inside inside and talked to emilio and then Hope started to talk to me.

Hope: What's your problem?

Me: I don't have a problem

Hope: Why do you keep on taking away Ivan from me like if he was yours.

Me: He is mine.

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