The end

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Ariana's P.O.V
We have to​ find her. we finally found her , we knew where to find her. so i got chance , jake , emilio , and ivan to come with me to save kayla. When we got to the house where she was we snuck in like we do all the time. We snuck in to the wrong place , that place was where there was all these people that were guarding the doors. They saw us and we all got tied up no matter how hard we tried not to. .After a couple of minutes they untied everyone and then they put us all in a room.I hugged her so tightly. She hugged me back . After some hours we finally had a perfect plan. Since there was this thing on the roof that i could fit through, well i will get in there and then i will open the door for them and then we will get out. I know it took us forever to come up with that plan.Emilio and ivan helped me get up there. Once i was up there i crawled over to were i could get close to the door there was no one to guard the door so i opened it and then we all ran to a door that will lead us out of this house.We dint make it. They got us and tied all of us again, But this time it was different , the kidnapper is hope, just letting you know. They took me to another room and then that's when the boys tried to get me but there was to many guards for that to happen.

Jake - Don't take her!

Chance - Bring her back!

Ivan - Don't hurt her!

Emilio - I don't know what to say sorry!

Kayla - Please don'!

Once i was in the other room i could hear them beg for them to let me go mostly ivan and kayla. I was put in the middle of the room and hope came out of a dark place.

Me - what do you want me for?

Hope - I want to end you,Because i hate you and because you took ivan away from me

Me - That's no reason to kill me

Hope - Yes it is

She grabbed a gun and shoot it it was about to hit me when i suddenly woke up, In my own house. What happened i am not at the team ten house or with ivan. Was this all a dream?

A/n Thank you so much for reading my book, Hope you guys enjoyed it and if you want a sequel for this book let me know , bye and love you all!❤❤❤❤

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