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Ariana's P.O.V
I woke up got dressed and then I went down stairs

I made breakfast and then I woke everyone up by screaming

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I made breakfast and then I woke everyone up by screaming.

Me - Ahhhhhh!!!!!!

Everyone came down stairs scared

Jake - What's wrong?

Me - Nothing I just wanted to wake all of you up cuz i made breakfast for everyone

Tessa - Really?

Me - Yeah

They all sat down but Ivan and Emilio weren't there so I went upstairs to see what Ivan was doing and he was throwing up I quickly grabbed a towel and gave it to him.

Ivan - Thx

Me - Your welcome ,and do you need anything else?

Ivan - No I just dont feel good

Me - Do i need to take you to the doctor?

Ivan - No my stomach is just hurting probably from all that cake from yesterday

Me - Well do you wanna eat something?

Ivan - No im not hungry

Me - Ok well if you need anything im gonna be downstairs

Ivan - Ok thx baby girl

I got out of the room and closed the door and then I went to Emilio's room and he was still sleeping so i woke him up.

Me - Wake up!!!!!

Emilio - 5 more minutes

Me - No come on wake up I made you breakfast

Emilio - Ugh fine

He got up from his bed got ready and then he went down stairs and I did too.I feed Toulouse and then me and Emilio went to walk him after that we went to the store to buy some medicine​ for Ivan and then we went back home.I went up stairs gave Ivan some medicine and then I put Toulouse in his bed and I went back down stairs to have some free alone time but then Jake called me.Ugh really im tired!!

Jake _ Ari!!

Me - What?

Jake - I need you to help me do something

Me - What do you need help with?

Jake - I wanna prank Chance and Anthony but I don't know what would be a good prank

Me - Umm……………… how about you prank them by telling them they can join team 10 and then when they get all exited you tell them they actually have to go back to Ohio and then you tell them it was a prank

Jake - That's a good idea lets tell them

Me - ok

I went to Chance and Anthony's room while jake went to set the camera.

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