Movie day

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Ari's P.O.V
I woke up in the couch for some reason i don't know why i went up stairs to my room and Ivan was there so that's a relief I looked at the time and it was 4 in the morning i laid down beside Ivan and went to sleep.After some hours I woke up again it was now 8am so i took a shower changed into some new clothes.

After some hours I woke up again it was now 8am so i took a shower changed into some new clothes

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after that I went down stairs and jake was there as always but he was on the couch.

Jake - Good morning Ari!

Me - Good morning Jake!

I walked to the kitchen and since there was no food me and jake went to get some more to the store.We got in his car and drove to the store.When we got there we got a lot of stuff . When we were done we went back to the house.

Me - Where's the rest of team 10?

Jake - They went on a vacay

Me - Without us?

Jake - Yeah

Me - Ok well they're mean

Me and Jake made breakfast and then we went to wake up Emilio since Ivan told me not to wake him up.We walked up to Emilio's room and i had a febreze bottle and then when i pointed the bottle at emilio and started spraying it on him jake said febreze yourself.

Jake - Febreze yourself kid, febreze yourself

He got up and got ready and me and jake went down stairs. We set the table and put food on it and then i went to wake Ivan up he plenty of sleep already.I walked up to our room and waked him up.

Me - Ivan wake up!!!!

Ivan - Im up

Me - Oh well go get ready

Ivan - I am ready

Me - Oh well lets go downstairs

Ivan - Ok

We went down stairs and then we ate breakfast.When i was done I went to get toulouse and i fed him after that me , jake ,ivan ,and emilio went to get starbucks and then me and Ivan went to walk toulouse. when we got back to the house and just watched movies all day because we had nothing else better to do.

A/n sorry about the short chapter guys i dint have much time to write this chapter so im soo sorry about this i will update tomorrow maybe 2 rimes because of this sorry again bye!

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