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Ariana's P.O.V
Oh my gosh it was a baby! but how? we haven't smashed in these past days. Oh well i don't care.

Me - Can you tell if its a girl or a boy?

Doctor - No, but in a couple of weeks we would be able to know.

Me - Ok

Doctor - Im gonna need you too come back every 2 weeks here , to cheek on your baby

Me - Kay

He gave me some suggestions to keep my baby safe , and after that we went home and then we gave everyone the news one by one. When me and ivan were done with that, we watched a movie and then we went for a walk. I love walking.

Me - How do you feel about this?

Ivan - Bout what?

Me - The baby

Ivan - I don't know i guess im ready for it

Me - What do you want it to be

Ivan - Honestly i want it to be a girl

Me - I do too

We continued to talk and walk. After a couple of minutes we went back home and we went to our room.

Me - What should we do here?

Ivan - I guess we could just , i don't know

Since we dint have anything to do , we just watched movies.We watched toons of movies until we feel asleep.

( The baby is now 5 years old , sorry i just don't feel like writing all of that , sorry )

Her name is kayla she is now 5, and im 23 and ivan is 24. We live in our own house now since we have a little girl, and she is very messy , emilio moved in with us and his girlfriend , since he dint wanna leave his other half.Ivan. We dint have a problem with that since we had a pretty big house , so yeah that wasn't a problem.But after a couple of weeks something horrible happened. Kayla got kidnapped. Its been 2 days since we have seen her and im so stressed out. We cant find her.

A/n Guys im sorry i dint update yesterday , i dint have wifi yesterday so i could update , Sorry again. Anyways this book is coming to an end not yet but soon, i want to write a new one but i don't know who i should write about, so if you want to give me an idea on who its gonna be about then please let me know.Bye!

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