Chapter 3~ The 4th Anniversary

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The 4th Anniversary

Thomas took a quick shower and ate a quick breakfast. He's already late for his morning meeting and Carrie informed him just a while ago. He stayed up late and played with his sun and wife. Somehow it made him forget what he was suppose to do yesterday.

"Babe I need to go.." he said and kissed his wife good-bye. It has been part of his daily routine every before he goes to work.

"Bye bye Mr. Mchalle." Jurri said childishly and walked with him to their garage.

Jurri watched as her husband drove away with his car. Last night was one of the things she wants to remember when she goes away. Last night was fun, she was able to play hide and seek with the two most important guys in her life. Even though she had to take some doctors prescribed pill to lessen her cancer's tantrums, nonetheless, she enjoyed their time together.

She quickly went back inside the house when she heard the kettle whistle. She happened to pass their hanging calendar and she stopped for a while to scan the dates. She saw a date encircled with a purple ink.

"How did I forget today?!" She muttered inwardly.

Today is their wedding's fourth year anniversary. How can she forget? It was the happiest of all her happiest days. She became Mrs. Mchalle but most of all, she became the wife of the man she love the most.

She went to the kitchen and turned the stove off. She stood in front of the stove and started to cry hard. Fear has overwhelmed her insides again. She hated the moments when her mind stops to think and focuses on one thought, which is leaving her family. She wanted to grow old with her husband and watch her son grow into a successful man but she knew that it can never happen. She's starting to forget things easily; maybe it's the side effects of her medicines.

"Mommy? Why are you crying?" She felt Tommie's arms wrapped her left leg. She looked down and she saw her son's eyes wet. Her son just woke up and she also hated to get caught by his son in her self-pity state.

"Mommy is just so happy." she lied. The more she looks at her son, the more she wanted to live longer.

"Why are you crying if you're happy?" Tommie innocently asked and wiped his tears with the seam of his mother's shirt.

"I don't know baby.. I just don't know." she kneeled in front of her son and wiped his little tears with her thumbs, "Why is my baby Tommie crying?" she pouted.

"Because you're crying mommy!" Tommie cried again and touched his mother's cheeks. "Mommy why are you crying?"

Jurri tried her best to smile, "Mommy accidentally drank too much water that's why it flowed out from my eyes."

Tommie hugged her tightly. She smiled and stroked her son's back like what mothers should do to comfort their child. She likes the feeling of being a mother. Tommie could be a handful sometimes but that's how being a mother should be, you need to face the challenges and see your child grow.

"Mommy?" Tommie called out from their hug.

"Yes baby?"

"Don't drink water." then he yawned.

"Why?" she mocked her son's voice.

"because it makes you cry." Tommie must have remembered her silly reason of crying. She smiled knowing that her son cares for her.

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