Chapter 15~ A Special Time with Her Son

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"What did you do when you were at your Aunt Felly's house?" Jurri asked her son. They are both currently sketching; she's trying to finish her masterpiece while Tommie is sketching his own stuff.

"Oh, I had fun!" Tommie exclaimed without looking at her.

They were both enjoying their work. They were just sharing the same drawing tools. Jurri glanced at her son; she smiled when she saw her son's determined face while drawing a teddy bear. Well, it wasn't a perfect sketch of a teddy bear because Tommie is just a child but it was still a teddy bear nonetheless.

"I'm done." Jurri said and fixed her canvass.

"Let me see!" Tommie stopped his work and stood beside her.

"So...What do you think maestro?" Jurri asked and kissed Tommie's head.

"It looks great mommy! It really looks like me! This is so cool! I'm going to make daddy see this!"

", daddy can't see this until September thirty..."

"Why?" Tommie pouted his lips.

"Because this is our surprise for Daddy."

"How many days until thirty comes?"

Jurri grabbed Tommie, making him sit on her lap. She hugged her son with all the motherly love she have. She felt Tommie hug her too.

"Five more days, baby...Five more days."

"That's too long..." Tommie whined.

"No, it's not too long...It's enough baby. I swear."

"Mommy, are you sad?"

Jurri was surprised by her son's question, does she really sound sad?

"No, I'm not. Are you?" She asked back, while stroking Tommie's back.

"Yeah... because five more days is really really long." Jurri let out a relief laugh. There was silence between them for a while.

"Hey baby Tommie, do you wanna do something fun?"

"What kind of fun?"

"Do you wanna video mommy while I sing?" Jurri winked at her son.

Tommie's eyes lit up and his pout turned into a wide smile. "Sure!"

Jurri went to her room to get her video cam. When she returns to the living room, she gave Tommie the gadget. She excused herself again and Tommie nods actively, obviously excited too.

She look at herself in front of the mirror, she turned a little towards the sideways to look at the reflection of her back. She's wearing a baby blue chiffon dress with thick belt colored flesh. Jurri sighed sadly. She really is thin and wearing this sleeveless dress makes her look thinner since it hugs her hips tightly. She opened her closet again and grabbed a blazer with a matching color of her belt. This way, her thin arms are covered. She made her hair into a neat pony tail but let her side bangs free.

"I'm ready!" Jurri skipped outside her room.

"Wow! Mommy you look like...a princess!" Tommie shouted.

Jurri told her son what the plan is. She changed Tommie's clothes. She made him wore his own tux and a royal blue bow. Tommie giggled while sitting on the chair as she adjusted the video camera to stay still on the tripod.


Tommie grinned and waved on the video cam." Hey Daddy! We're making a surprise for you! You see...Mommy draw a picture of! It looked so good! It looked so real!!" Tommie stopped talking and looked away from the camera. "Mommy, why are we doing this again?" Tommie asked out loud, making Jurri hit her forehead with her palm.

"Because I have a ticket to heaven." She said out loud and grinned at her son, although there was the familiar emotional pain in her chest.

"Oh yeah! Hey, Daddy, Mommy is unfair! She told me she have a ticket to heaven. I wanted to come but she told me that my Visa and passport aren't ready yet!" Tommie pouted his lips which made Jurri laugh while she expertly wiped away the escape tears from her eyes.

"What's a Visa and a passport?" Tommie titled his little head.

"It's a requirement for travelling..." Jurri whispered and he nodded like he understood.

"Okay...I'll get one of those someday!" Tommie smiled. "Sooo...Dad, Mom said that this video is a part of our big surprise to you..." She smiled at her son who is obviously enjoying what he was doing.

"Mommy is going to sing! To you! She's going to sing to you while we record it...I'll sing too! Mom said I will be the back-up singer and I don't know what that is but at least I can also sing in this record! Yippeee!"

Jurri and Tommie enjoyed their time recording their surprise video. She felt a mixture of happiness and sadness deep inside her. But sadness dominated her insides. If only she could wish for more days or more years.

"Mommy, are you really going to heaven?" Tommie asked out of the blue.

"Yes..." Jurri sighed deeply.

"Can I go?" Tommie's head popped up from Jurri's lap.

She kissed her son's forehead and laid it back on her lap, gently patting Tommie's head, "No, you can't...I only have one ticket."

"You can buy me another one." Tommie suggested.

"I didn't buy the ticked baby...Well, it was a gift from a friend...It's a once in a lifetime chance." Jurri struggled to keep her voice childish.

"Well, why don't we ask a gift from your friend for me?" She smiled.

"It's rude to ask for gifts...Gifts should be given full heartedly. Not when someone ask them to give it."

"Then don't go...Don't leave me." Tommie begged.

Jurri fought the urge to cry. She continues tapping her son's head and started humming a song. If only she can say 'no'. She felt Tommie sighed, her son fell asleep so she tucked him to bed. Now, she was free to cry and no one can see her tears.

Three days pass in a blur. The days went fast but they were full of memories. They went to Disney Land and Tommie enjoyed most of the trip. Jurri and Thomas were happy that Tommie finally saw his favorite cartoon characters.

Thomas watched Jurri kissed Tommie's forehead. It's their fourth day in Disney Land and tomorrow it's the last day of September. He made a vow to himself that he will make it up to Jurri. He has the copy of the divorce papers already but as soon as he receive it, he burned all of them. He can't live without Jurri.

Jurri looked at him and smiled. Thomas tapped his legs, inviting Jurri to come to him. He welcomed Jurri with his loving arms. He inhaled the feminine scent of his wife and possessively snaked his arms on her hips. He felt her hand stroke his cheek.

"Aren't you tired?" Jurri asked.

"I am but I want to spend time with you more."

"Well, we sleep in one bed, we can talk while lying down on bed and you might get tired more because I'm sitting on your lap."

"You're very thin, how can you be heavy?" Thomas joked and tickled Jurri.

"S-stop it, you know I have a tickle spot there!"

"Oh, about here?" He asked and tickled his wife's kee-cap.

"Tom, stop it. It tickles!"

Jurri laughed as low as she can so she won't wake Tommie. Thomas has been tickling her and she's busy slapping her husband's hand whenever it tries to go to one of her tickle spots.

"I love you..." Thomas muttered.

"I love you too..." Jurri smiled.

"So please, let's not divorce." Thomas said out of the blue and it fired up the awkwardness in the atmosphere.

~~I want to post the last chapter on a special day for me which is on October 26. I hope you'll understand and wait for it ^_^

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