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“Hey there beautiful, I came here to say hi and how are you. You still look pretty.” He pocketed his hands and smiled. “Truth is, I came here to say that.. that I miss you so damn much.”  He chuckled but that chuckled was quickly replaced by sadness.

“I miss you so much that it’s hard for me to breathe every single day knowing that you’re not with me now. A-also, I came here to tell you I miss your voice. I miss waking up with you every morning and hearing your voice greets me. I miss the way you call my name.” he wiped his tears with his left hand and looked down to hide his crying face.

“I-I miss your lips. I miss seeing you smile. I miss feeling your lips on mine. I miss kissing you. I miss making love to you.  C-can we just turn back time and start all over again?”

                If he could just turn back time and do it all over again. He wants to correct his mistakes; he wants to make it up to her. A second chance, that’s what he need. He realized how stupid he is in the past. He wants to change it but he can’t. He blew his chance away. And now he is full of regrets. A man who couldn’t let goes of his past. Regrets do come last in the line.

“I came here to tell you that I need you. I need you to be with me. I long for you. You’re always in my dreams every night. You’re always in my sight every time my eyes are open. At our house, I unconsciously call your name. I forget that you don’t live there anymore. And I don’t want to accept the reality that you’re not living in that house anymore. It’s too painful. It’s emotionally unbearable.” He cried. Not just a normal cry, but a cry of sadness and regret. Others would think he’s crazy or mentally challenged seeing him cry like a child but he doesn’t care. He needs her. He needs her more than anything or everything.

“Every time I wake up, you’re the first person I remember. You’re the first person I want to hear. You’re the first person I want to see. Because you make me smile no other woman can. You make me happy no other person can. You’re my only happiness and I’m sorry I was too blind before to even see that. I’m sorry I pushed you away because I was too busy with work and I forgot how important you were to me.” He continued his confession even when he couldn’t hear her answer.

“But you see, I’ve changed now.” He smiled but the sadness in his eyes never fading. “I know how to cook now. I tried to learn and I did and I really wish I had the chance to cook you your favorite dish.  I’m not anymore a devil in the kitchen. I did all of it because of you. It’s what you wanted me to do, right? Even if you didn’t tell me, I know you wanted me to learn how to cook, right?” His smiled fade when he didn’t hear any answer.

“You know you’re unfair –wait, I’m the one who’s unfair.” He said and looked at her, “I was unfair because I broke my promise to you. I broke my vow to you. I’m unfair because I left you when you needed me most. I left you at your weakest point, I’m s-sorry. I was a full, stupid, son of a bitch, asshole, jerk, call me whatever you want. I was all of it before but… but.. but I tried to change. See? I wish you could just come home with me and see what I mean.” He sighed. He wiped his tears and tried to contain his emotions inside him. He looked at her. “I miss you so much Jurri. I miss you, my one and only and forever wife. I miss you beautiful. I miss you Mrs. Mchalle. I miss everything about you. It’s hard for me to live with a smile each day because my happiness isn’t mine, now. But I’m trying to survive each day. I’m trying to be contented with the memories that we have; the moments we shared because I know that’s what you wanted me to do. To sum up everything, I came here to tell you that I love you so much, honey. No matter what, you’re the only woman I’m going to love for the rest of my life.” He said and turned around with his shoulders down. She’s never coming back to him.

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