Chapter 11(part 1)~ A Week Of Love

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Thomas felt unsettled after he said his decision about their marriage. He knows it was hard for Jurri to believe him but to hell with everything, he wanted time to go on reverse and change what he had done. How can he be stupid not realizing that he's going to lose everything if he loses Jurri?

Jurri never gave him an answer, his wife doesn't even want to talk about their marriage. He was a fool for believing that he loves Carrie more than he loves Jurri. Now, he has to earn Jurri's love again and her trust. Thomas felt his wife scooted closer to him. He watched how peaceful his wife's sleep is. She belongs to him as he belong to her.

"I know I'm beautiful, Thomas. Don't stare at me all night." Thomas was taken aback to hear Jurri spoke.

"I thought you were asleep?"

"I was but then I felt the weight of your stare." Jurri chuckled.

"Why do I feel like you want to leave me?" he said but maintained the humor in his voice.

"I miss Tommie.." Jurri diverted.

"Tommie's going to be fine. Felly called, remember? Tommie is still enjoying his vacation." He smiled and touched Jurri's cheek.

"He's too young to go have a sleep over to another house." Jurri whined.

"You sound like an overprotective mother." Thomas joked.

"But I am a mother. It's natural for all mothers to worry about their children."

"Come on, you're just tired. Let's sleep, okay?" he said then he hugged his wife.. "Jurri?" he called out.


"I love you."

"I know." Jurri said sleepily. Thomas felt a little disappointed because it wasn't the answer he was looking forward to hear.

"Why did you bring me here?" Jurri asked.

"I just want to remember our past." Thomas said then guided his wife to sit on the table where his wife used to sit years ago.

He walked to the next table then acted serious and busy. He even brought a black folder to complete the scene. He saw Jurri laughing while looking at him and before he looked stupid, he walked back to their table. Then the waiter came to take their orders.

Thomas wanted to punch the waiter who took their orders. The waiter obviously tried to look handsome and charming in front of his wife and Jurri seemed to be oblivious about it. In order to stop the waiter from doing so, he did the talking and took orders for Jurri. The waiter seemed to give Thomas's wife infinite choices.

"Hey.." Jurri muttered.

"What?" he barked, failing to hide the jealousy in his voice.

"Stop looking at the poor guy like that."

"Stop looking?" he said sharply.

"Yeah, you look like you want to kill the poor guy. He's just a waiter." She said.

"Poor guy my ass." Thomas rolled his eyes. "What's so poor about a guy who is trying to flirt with a married lady? Most especially, my wife?!"

Their orders were served and Thomas tried his best to lead the talking. He never thought how much he missed hearing his wife's laughter. Everything seems to be like their old days. This is just their first date for the first day of the week.

On the second day, Thomas brought his wife in the studio where she used to work. He saw how happy Jurri was when they arrived. Even Jurri's friends in the studio were happy to see her. There were changes made in the studio but he's a proud husband to see his wife's masterpieces decorated there still. The studio now offers tutorials for children who have interest in painting. Jurri looked really happy when she knew about it.

"We should have brought Tommie here." Jurri said.

"Oh dear, you have a child?" Guin, one of Jurri's friends, asked.

"Well, what do you expect from a married woman?" Jurri joked in d hearing a sarcastic way. That's how she and her friends used to talk. Thomas snorted hearing the dumb question and so, he earned a pinch from his wife.

"Oww." Thomas acted hurt.

"But you still look damn sexy." Grace, another friend of Jurri, commented.

"We do exercise every day." Thomas said and haughtily winked then snaked his arms around Jurri's waist.

"Aww, Jurri, you're blessed with a very handsome husband." Guin praised.

"I know." Jurri smiled. Thomas looked at her. He knows his wife well; he knows she's sad because the smile didn't reach her eyes.

"So.. What about the little surprise for my wife?" Thomas diverted their attention.

"Oh yeah.. I almost forgot." Grace chuckled.

Guin and Grace led the couple into Jurri's old painting room. Jurri gasped when she realized it was her room. Nothing has changed. Her artworks are still there.

"We didn't have the heart to renovate this room." Grace said.

"You were the best artist in our studio and we were hoping that you'd come back here someday." Guin explained.

"Come on; let's give the couple a time to date here." Grace winked at Jurri and pulled Guin out of the room.

"So this is where you keep all your stuff?" Thomas asked as he busied himself roaming around; looking at the canvass and the sketches scattered in the tables.

"Yeah. This was my haven." Jurri said while reminiscing the times she spent doing sketches and drawings in the very room she is standing now.



Hey there readers! ^_^

I've been saying this for the nth time but I'll definitely say this again "thank you so much for reading this chapter and for reaching this chapter. I hope you'll keep reading this story until its last chapter.."

I want to update long chapters but I can't because of busy scheds in college and I have a lot of things to do too. But because I'm addicted to wattpad and I don't have the heart to leave you hanging for this story, I'll still be updating this every other day. Although it's going to be short updates. Each chapters will have two parts.I'm really trying to update this story as much as I can. :)

I'm also looking forward to hear words from you, especially to the silent readers out there.. *wink* Just comment away!

Happy reading, happy wattpad-ing to all!! ^_^

love lots,


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