Chapter 12 (part 3)~ September 20

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September 20 part 3

Jurri felt Thomas gently holding the hem of her shirt and slowly pulled it off of her. Thoughts of herself were her most unsettled problems. What if she's too weak to make love with her husband?

Then she felt Thomas' lips on hers. She was reluctant to even allow herself to kiss him back but then she felt a gentle bite on her lip. Her mouth opened on its own will and her husband's tongue slid inside her mouth. All sparks seemed to burn like a fire inside her. Her husband was kissing her slowly and passionately.

She moaned as Thomas started to travel his way down to her navel but then stopped as his mouth reaches the peaks. She held tight on his short hair, enough to tell him that she likes what he is doing. It's making her crazy like the first time they did it.

She felt his hand reached the locks of her shorts and he opened it like a hungry man but nevertheless he kept his pace slow and gentle. Jurri let out a moan and it must have turned Thomas on because he groaned in response. She's now completely naked underneath her husband.

"C-can we turn the lights off?" Jurri muttered her request.

Thomas stopped and looked at her, "Why do you want to turn off the lights?"

"Well, we haven't tried it before." She shrugged and looked at their lamp. Something new, that was what she wanted him to believe but turning the lights off means her husband could not see her bruises.

She saw Thomas arm extended sideways and reached for the switch of the lamp. The room was dark after the switched was clicked off.

"Anymore request, babe?" Her husband asked her.

She wriggled her body beneath him, "You can rape me now."

Jurri earned a loud groan from Thomas and felt his fist holding the blanket tightly. Jurri was aware how awake Thomas' manhood is and she's a little proud she still has the effect on him.

"Hold still or I might lose control of myself." Thomas begged. "You're such a good temptress..." He commented with gritted teeth.

Jurri felt a strong hand pinned her down on the mattress. She winced when Thomas hand landed on her bruised hips but she shoved the idea of pain away. The moment is too precious to get her distracted. After all, this might be the last time she'll be able to unite her body with his. Despite of the darkness in the room, Thomas lips landed perfectly on hers. Then he started to walk his lips south of her body.

"Hey, unfair!" Jurri whined.

"What?" Thomas asked, obviously taken aback by Jurri.

"You're still in your clothes..." She pouted her lips even though Thomas couldn't see it.

"That's not a problem, babe." Thomas muttered huskily.

Thomas searched his wife's hand and gently damps it on his bare chest. "Where's your shirt?" He chuckled by Jurri's question.

"I took it off already... but I'll give you the full permission to release it." He said and pressed Jurri's hand onto his hard awake muscle below.

Jurri was totally thrilled; it's the first time Thomas gave her full control. Her hand found his fly and Thomas is supporting himself with his hands against the bed and she could see how Thomas looked at her by the moon's bluish glow.

"I can't hold it anymore, babe!" He groaned and clasped her hands with his and the next thing Jurri felt was the seventh heaven.

They were grinding, bucking and meeting each others' thrust. Everytime they feel their climax near, Thomas would slow down his pace to prolong the firing sensation. Jurri's meds must have worn off, she felt numb and pain enveloped her whole being. She cried as she fought the urge to continue meeting her husband's thrust.

'Please not now... not now.' She plead to herself voiceless, tears falling infinitely.

~~Sorry for the long wait.

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