Chapter 14~ Thomas Request

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When they arrived home, Tommie is already asleep. Felly is still awake but Jurri insisted that she should stay so Felly ended up sleeping beside Tommie. Thomas went into shower first. He was still quiet and it was bugging Jurri.

"Where are you going?" Jurri asked stopping Thomas from going outside their room. "I'll just get us a midnight snack. I wasn't contented by the food served in the party." He chuckled and went out.

Jurri went inside the bathroom and smiled when she saw the bath tub full with water and bubbles. Thomas must have prepared it for her. The water was relaxing but she needed to dry herself because it's already late. She grabbed a pain-killer pill and take it. She covered herself with a robe and started looking for clothes. She felt a pair of arms snaked through her waist from her back.

"Hey." She smiled as she greeted him.

Thomas just responded with a groan and from that very respond, she know what he wanted to happen. She felt his hands attempting to take her robe off but she quickly hold them to stop.

"I feel really tired from the party." Jurri thought it was enough to stop her husband.

Thomas mentally kicked himself; he should have been more sensitive enough to think what Jurri feels. She's tired for Pete's sake! And he was acting like a teenager craving for sex! He tightened his hug to her.

"Can we cuddle each other before we sleep? You know, hug and talk about stuff." Thomas said it lightly but he was deeply hoping she'll agree.

"That doesn't sound too bad..." Jurri smiled. "So, uhm, I need a little privacy. I'll just put my clothes on... shoo for a while."

"Tsk. I've seen everything of you." Thomas whined.

"Privacy or no cuddles?"

"Privacy." Thomas answered and walked away.

"You haven't really seen everything of me." Jurri whispered in the air as she watched Thomas went outside their room.

"Can I come in, now?" Thomas asked loudly with a knock.

Jurri quickly opened the door. "Shh...You'll wake Tommie up."

"Felly's here, we don't need to worry about Tommie. Anyways, what took you so long?"

"You're the one who stayed outside the room for long. I was already finish ten minutes after you went out."

"And you didn't tell me you were done?"

"You didn't ask." Jurri smiled mischievously.

Jurri yelped when Thomas picked her up and carried her the way he carried her during their wedding. She watched his facial expression, he was finally back to the Thomas she married years ago. Unfortunately, she can't be and never can be that healthy Jurri again. She's already dying and death is unstoppable in her case. She has nine days more with her family.

"You're so light." Thomas commented, breaking her thoughts.

"I lost weight." She causally answered.

"You need to eat more. I'll make sure you eat every morning." He laid her on their bed.

"I'm just reminding you that you go to work every day early." Jurri pouted her lips and Thomas quickly stole a kiss.

"Then I'll change my schedule. I'll cook you breakfast if you want." Thomas lay beside her and hugged her.

"Correction, you do not know how to cook, Mr. Mchalle."

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