Ask And Ye Shall Receive

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Chapter 63 - Ask And Ye Shall Receive





"Please wake up."

The small Scout slowly peels back one of her eyelids, then treats the worried-looking Raccoon-kin to a displeased frown. "Violet... whut."

"You said that if a decent smith came to town, that we should notify you immediately."


"So... one just teleported in. From the capitol."



"How d'ya know he's good."



"N-no, uh, he just... when I asked, he said he was amazing."

"At whut. Makin' horseshoes?"

The pudgy teenager blinks twice, then quickly averts her gaze. "There's... different types of smiths, huh..."

Zen allows a tired sigh to escape, and though she wishes she could just go back to sleep and forget this entire episode, she still had the responsibility to thoroughly check out this lead. No matter how it panned out. "Alrigh'. First... help me outta this dog-pile."

Violet fails to stifle a grin as she looks over the tangle of founder-limbs, all inter-woven in a very interesting pattern. "Might take a while."

"Start with whoever's got a foot up my arse."

"That's Jo's knee."

"Yah. Whatever." Four minutes later, a very naked Cat-woman finally emerges from Jess and Mish's bed, then it takes another two minutes to find her enchanted pouch so that she can get dressed. "Okay... where's this super-amazing-smith?"

"Eating breakfast... though... he might be done, now."

"Yeah, well... that's how it goes."

The small Raccoon-kin hurries after her Master, but still manages to peek back three times at the remaining nudity. "H-how was Jessie and Mishone's trip back?"

"Huh? Oh... good, I guess. They were doing some extra training on the way. Three sand-suits apiece."


"What. It's not that heavy."

"I'll... stick with one."

"Since you're not diving into the Dungeon, it'd be fine to not wear any at all."

"No, I want to wear one. 'Cause then it keeps me close with the other girls."

"Good for you. Oh. Reminds me. I need you to teach me how to enhance my body with magic, later."


"Probably take all afternoon."

"Okay. Can Daisy come, too? She always wants more practice."

ZEN - Part Two [COMPLETED] [#WATTYS2017]Where stories live. Discover now