Chapter 1

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|2 years ago|
It had been 3 days since Newt was called away to the training facility. Not a single sight or word from him. It was like he disappeared from the face of the earth! Rosie asked and searched, and asked even more. But to no avail.

"Hey Tom, have you seen Newt anywhere? I can't find him and I'm worried about him," Rosie fretted while sitting across from her brother, alone as usual. A flash of hurt and guilt washed over Thomas's face, however it was gone as soon as it came; replaced by his usual blank expression.

"No, I haven't. Maybe he's just been too busy training for insertion to Maze A?" Thomas suggested whilst attacking a piece of broccoli with his fork.

"No, that can't be. Ava told me that since Newt wasn't immune, he wouldn't participate in the trials, and just help run them," Rosie explained, her brow creasing with confusion. The same expression of guilt played at Thomas's features as Rosie spoke, and she began to wonder if her older brother knew something.

"You know where Newt is, don't you Thomas?" Rosie's eyes squinted slightly as she accused Thomas. The blood seemed to drain from his face as he struggled for words. Rosie didn't know how to feel; on one hand, Thomas could show her to Newt, but on the other hand, would that really be the best thing with the way Thomas was acting?

"There's something I need you to see," Thomas finally murmured, standing from the table.

After she had followed Thomas to the Maze A observation room, Rosie's heart was torn to shred as everything clicked together like a jigsaw puzzle to reveal the bigger picture; that being WICKED was filled with liars, and that they will stop at nothing for a cure. They would even send in a boy who wasn't immune to participate in the trials.

Rosie clutched her chest as she felt her legs give out beneath her weight. She used the table to support herself as she looked up to the screen. It showed Newt; silently sobbing as he lay in his makeshift bed. Reality dawned on Rosie; she would never get the chance to enjoy his warm embrace, hear his sweet, deep voice murmuring 'I love you' ever again. Rosie knew that Newt had no clue who she was- had no clue she even existed anymore, and he would never remember their love.

Newt was gone forever.

After that day, Rosie would do nothing but stay in the observation room, silent tears rolling down her cheek as she watched Newt. Realising that all of the memories of them spending time together were just erased from Newts mind, and that he would never know who she was- that was the hardest part for Rosie.

The second hardest thing was watching him mope around miserably everyday, and screaming himself awake from nightmares at night. That was unbearable for Rosie to watch.

After that day, Rosie would refuse any interactions with other subjects, including her brother, who let WICKED send Newt away.

After that day, Rosie knew she was truly alone.

|Present time|
"Tom? What's going on Thomas? Thomas help me! Thomas!" Rosie's plea's faded away with her memories. "Why are you doing this Thomas?" Rosie cried. A stranger stared back down at her with tears welling up in their eyes, and they seemed strangely familiar to her. Their honey brown eyes and dark hair reminded her of someone, but who?

"Please don't forget about me, Rosie. Don't forget about him. Don't forget Newt." The stranger begged before everything faded away into darkness.

Except for one thing. Newt.

*********First person*****************
I groaned and rolled over, my head pounding and chest aching. The cool, still air around me seemed suffocating, and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

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