Chapter 63

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I could feel him pressed up against me; his firm grip pulling my waist close to his torso and his face nuzzled into the back of my neck, his small breaths tickling me. This was how I woke most mornings, when Newt wasn't busy leading the Glade and slept in.

Glancing down at the old watch fastened around Newt's right wrist, I saw that it was already nine in the morning. I figured I should get a start to the day, determined to make the most of my one day to have Newt all to myself.

I tried to squirm and wiggle my way out of Newt's death grip without disturbing him, planning to check up on Minho and make sure that he was ready to play leader on his day off. But it was no use as his grip strengthened around me.

"Going somewhere?" I could hear the smirk play on Newt's lips.

"You're awake?" I half laughed, surprised.

"I have been for a while," Newt shrugged.

"What would you like to do today?" I asked, moving the conversation along.

"I thought you had organised everything," Newt chuckled, removing his grip from my waist, allowing me to stand up and look down at him, the cream sheets bundled up to his waist.

"Well I figured we'd leave some thing to our imagination; no fun in having a schedule for what's meant to be a relaxing day," Newt shrugged in agreement, "Why don't we have a nice shower so we don't have to hold our breath when we kiss each other."

"Together?" Newt perked up, his brow raised in anticipation and lips curled up into a joking smile.

"Hmm, perhaps," I glanced over at Newt from the corner of my eye, feeling my lips curl up in a seductive smirk. But on the inside my stomach swirled and bounced around with nerves.

I knew what I wanted; to be close to Newt in each way possible. That didn't mean having the steamy, romantic love scenes from books with each other; it just meant each of us being comfortable around each other in our most bare and vulnerable form.

But then again, what if Newt didn't like what he saw?

Don't be ridiculous. Newt isn't that shallow, he will love me for me, not my body.

But still... What if?


"Where's this sudden confident and tempting side of you coming from?" Newt asked with a light chuckle, pulling me away from my doubtful thoughts.

"I just figured life is short, why wait to do the things we really want when we can enjoy it now, while everything is fine?"

"Fine point, Miss," Newt smirked, jumping out of bed to retrieve his shower bag.


As I followed behind Newt to the bathrooms, my stomach knotted up while my mind battled to convince me the Newt won't judge my body. But no matter what I told myself, I just couldn't seem to shake that little whisper of fear that arced my nerves.

No one saw me trail in after Newt into the bathroom, but even if they did I don't think they'd really care. There was too much going on in the Glade for guys to care whether a guy and girl were showering together.

It was abnormally quiet in the bathrooms that morning, only the echo of water dripping onto the tile floors and our footsteps to be heard. Well maybe my racing heart as well.

I continued to follow Newt to the last stall on the left. That's when he turned around and noticed my hesitence.

"What's wrong, Love?" He asked, walking over to my and brushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

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