Chapter 43

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"I'm going to be working with you again today," Newt chirped as he picked at some left overs from breakfast. By now, it was late morning and the sun had peaked over the cracked and worn walls, glowing down on the Glade. The smell of fresh morning dew still hung heavily in the air, hinting that it may rain. But it never would; I already knew that.

I looked up from my plate to Newt, his optimistic eyes gliding across my face. Small rays of sun broke through the canopy above us, shining in his eyes occasionally and bringing the gold flecks alive, making his usual russet brown eyes look almost chocolate. Newt's lips pulled up into a half smirk that only just showed off his teeth.

"I won't be able to focus with you in the room." I admitted through a quiet breath as I heard the crunch of the courtyard get closer. I let a smile brighten my face as I saw the pink tint flood Newt's cheeks.

"Maybe that's a good thing," Newt purred in my ear, his hot breath brushing against my cool skin, sending a tingling sensation to unfurl across my neck. Newt's hand snaked around to the back of my neck, gently pulling me closer. "you could use for a break from work," Newt noted, his deep voice rumbling in my ear delicately. I couldn't stop the blush as I contemplated what Newt was suggesting. Knots began to form in my stomach as I nervously gulped down my anxiety.

"What are you proposing we do?" I peeped, not sure if I wanted to know the answer. Newt's hand slid away from my neck, leaving a cold spot where it once was. Naturally, I sat back up straight to look up at Newt, who was smirking down at me.

"Take the day off and relax! What, did you think I meant somethin' else?" Newt broke out into a laughter as he saw the relief flood through me, and quickly changed into annoyance as I realised Newt was messing around.

"But we can't do that. Alby will get mad!" I complained fretfully. It only seemed to humour Newt further as he continued to chuckle.

"I'm Second in Command; I will allow you to take the day off, Rosie," Newt replied through a chuckle.

"Oh, right I forgot." I admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck as Minho sat across from us, his hair perfectly placed away from his face.

"Ah, my favourite couple!" He exclaimed, his eyes lighting up at the sight of our closeness.

"We're the only bloody couple here, last I checked." I laughed at the boy.

"Ya never shucking know!"

"What are you doing today, anyway?" Newt spoke up as he stuffed the last of his eggs into his mouth.

"Well since our previous plans have been ditched; nothin'," Minho smiled, leaning back to a more relaxed position.

"What plans?" I asked inquisitively, looking between the mischievous duo.

"Newt was gonna ask you out today originally, remember? And I was gonna help. But that plan got sacked," Minho answered, almost disappointed. "what do you two crazy teens plan for the day?" Minho added, keeping the conversation going. I only shrugged my shoulders, unclear of the plans, and looked to Newt for answers.

"Same as you I guess. Just having a day off." He responded

"We should all hang out today!" I proclaimed enthusiastically.

"And do what?" Minho asked in a whiny voice.

"I don't know. Doesn't this place have board games, cards to pass the time?" I asked, turning to face Newt a questioning look. His brow furrowed over his beautifully deep eyes as he thought, and I felt myself get captured by his careful gaze. My eyes began to wonder across newts face, noticing small details that I had never noticed before, like the few small freckles scattered across the bridge of his nose, or the way the corners of his lips twitch upwards just before he spoke.

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