Not a chapter Again...

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Oh my gosh......
So guess who logged out and forgot her password.

I have been logged out of this account for forever.

I have emailed wattpad several times about it but there is nothing that they can do.
But in a whim like 20 minutes ago I was on my other account and I was like. What if I was a stupid head and mess up on my password like 30 times.

I was right
I am beyond overjoyed that I can begin writing on this again
To give all of you guys another chapter by the end of the day today.
Also I will throughout this week go back and edit my old chapters
Maybe spice it up a bit
Nothing important
Just to make them a bit longer.

Oh and one more thing

Thank you to all of the people who commented on my story. And voted for it.
And read it.

It really means the world to me.
Like you have no idea.
It's truest amazing to know people out there enjoy something you have written.

Have a wonderful day!!!!

Henry Danger (Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now