Chapter 3

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?? POV

I look at the boy and try to figure out why he is here, Is he captain mans son? No they look nothing alike

 The boy is blond. He takes a step closer and awnsered my question "I'm Kid Danger but you can call me Henry" I look at him and realize he is holding out his hand. I take it and shake it welcoming the feeling of safety but I also have the feeling that I shouldn't trust them. The feeling was very weak so I just brushed it off and let go of his hand. I could hear the sounds all around me as if they were right next to me. I looked back to captain man with wide eyes. He looked back at me confused, all of a sudden everything started getting louder I could hear people stepping 30 floors up, I could hear them breathing, I could hear their heart beats. I flung my hands to my ears to shield the noise but it didn't help. Than I heard the loudest noise of all a person speaking I looked to captain man to see he was talking and I very quietly told him to "shhhh" he just looked at me worried. I looked at Henry who was also looking at me worriedly. I shook my head and laid back down still with my hands to my ears. It took a long time of me laying there listening to the two boys discussed hushed tones on the other side of the room to get adjusted to the loudness of the sounds everywhere. Once I finally did I could single out sounds, I focused mainly on the two superheroes in the corner of the room.

"She is acting like we were shouting." Captain man says. "maybe we were, you said she was going to have super powers maybe she has super hearing." Henry says than he looks back over to me and makes eye contact. We hold it for a minute before Captain man speaks again "well if she does we should put her through some tests to see if she has any other powers." My eyes widen is shock I hate tests with a passion ever since I was younger I only experienced the type of tests where I always failed and was punished. As they walked back to me they noticed the worried look on my face and asked" what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just don't like tests."I replied. They glanced at each other before saying they would be right back and went up the elevator. I heard two sets of footsteps leave the store and fade out. They left my range of hearing. When they came back I was laying upside down off of the side of the couch. I quickly sat up and moved to a sitting position. All of the sudden a man ran from somewhere straight at me. I felt time slow down and than everyone stopped, I felt it drain me and when everything started to start up again I took the quickest step the the right I have ever taken. I felt it was all back to normal but I could barely stand so I casually set my hand on the counter for support. That's when I noticed the one step I took put me in to the left of the elevator. I could feel my energy coming back to me and so was my shock.

"You just ran really fast, that's so cool" Henry said. If only he knew I stopped time to. Oh my God I have fudging superpowers this is so ....... Cool. I can't think of a word right now. All of a sudden The computer Started beeping and the boys immediately dropped their shock faces and ran over to them,I followed.

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