Chapter 18

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I got a cupcake and hot chocolate from the bakery but made a mental not of where it was so I could come back later. We sat outside and are talking about random stuff and than he asked me if I wanted to hang out at his place, being me I said yes but their was something off about him. I walked into his house after him and followed him to the kitchen. I sat down on the counter as he stood on the other side. We chatted for a few minutes before he said he had to use the restroom. I put my elbows on the table and set my arms their two after a few minutes I got bored so u decided to go into the living room and turn on the tv. Their were boxes set on the couch and the only chair left was a rolling spinning chair WOOP WOOP. I sat down and started spinning as fast as I could but also tried to focus on the TV. That didn't last long before I put my hands down in the arm rests and metal bars clipped over my hands. I put my feet down and tried to push off only to have my feet clamped down on the support beams. I struggled to get out before the chair started moving by itself. It pulled me into a pitch black room and the door clicked shut. My "date" walked in and was smirking at me. I struggled to get up even harder. He walked towards me and started undoing my clips, You done good. He perked up like he forgot something than with me half in strapped legs free walked behind me and grabbed something. He than went silent only seconds later to jab me in the neck with a needle. I immediately became weak and passed out.

Henry Danger (Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ