Chapter 21

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"Charlotte tried to steal my job" He says and my mouth drops. I scoot closer to him and give him a side hug. "But it all worked out because she doesn't want it now and only did it because I said a girl couldn't be Kid Danger and she got offended. It was just a long day because I was also trying not to fight with my sister so we weren't grounded for a month."

"Wait you said a girl couldn't be Kid Danger. No wonder she got upset, you now how she can get." I said as I pulled back and ruffled his hair. He laughed for a second before fixing his hair. "Also you shouldn't fight with your sister. I'm on her good side and I don't want her mad at me because of you" I glare at him as he stairs at me with wide eyes. "I'm Joking" I laugh.

"You know you are like an older sister to me." Henry said and I smiled. Today was amazing.

"And you are the brother I never had." He gives me a side hug and I close my eyes. I couldn't imagine a better life. First I get superpowers. Then I am blessed with the most amazing family I could ever have. I usher Henry out of y room and return to laying down only to find a large discomfort under my back. I pick it up and see it is the salt container. I shake about a table spoon into my hand and lick it off. It tastes even better than it did before on the chicken. It almost has an addictive quality to it. I shrug off the feeling as I set the salt down on the ground next to me. I lay down and snuggle under the covers as I let sleep overtake me.

~~~ Unknown POV~~~

"Did you do as I told" The hurried harsh voice of my cousin says through the cell phone. I roll my eyes knowing that she didn't have much time time to talk.

"Yes, now what I don't understand is why you couldn't do it." I say angered that i have to spend my time dealing with this issue when she was the one who wanted it done in the first place. I hear her laugh over the line and I can almost see the smile spread across her face.

"Well cousin you know i am currently ... Indisposed of right now. And soon enough it will all be worth it. Soon we will have another friend to enlighten." She says quickly before hanging up. I groan and continue cleaning up my mess from earlier.

~~~ Faith POV~~~

I woke up with a sudden jolt and listened for any movement around the lair. Hearing none I speed to the moving couch and adjusted the monitors to where I could watch tv. I flipped back and forth through the channels before I landed on a super villain documentary. I saw some recognizable faces flash across the screen and decided it couldn't hurt me to get to know some of the villains I could encounter. I quickly toned everything around me out to focus on the tv and after getting about halfway through i felt peckish. I jumped up to the microwave food maker and ordered french fries and a burger. I licked my lips as I pulled it out and set is on the table. I tasted a fry and felt like it was missing something. I got some ketchup and tried it again, It still failed to satisfy me. I immediately got an idea and sped to my bedroom grabbing the salt canister and made my way back to the fries and burger. I dumped a bit of the salt onto my food ad tasted it. I quickly added another dash to both the burger and the fries.

As soon as i took a bite the taste flooded my brain and clouded my thoughts. I groaned in delight and dug in. I even toned out of the Tv as i enjoyed the food in front of me. I quickly finished and rubbed my food baby as i thought about what i planned to do today. I may hang out with Ray or Henry. I listened again for everyone to be awake or arriving. No one was up as far as i could tell so i decided to go on a walk again. I let myself wonder around the city and soon found myself in the deeper part of the city. The one more notorious for crime.

"Hey lady, you disrespected me and my group on television." I heard from around the corner of an alleyway. I grabbed my bubblegum and took one out read to blow a bubble. I hesitated as i continue to listen in on the conversation.

"You and those filthy criminals deserved it for all that you have done. You all make me sick and i wont stand for you to be living in this city any longer." A woman's voice said with such a spiteful voice that I growled to myself.

" You deserve what is going to happen to you now." The man yelled and I almost put up my gum. This woman deserved what she got. You have no right to speak to someone that way. Just because they have done wrong things doesn't mean you should be taken away from your home. I took a step back and began to walk away pretending i heard nothing.

"What am I saying?" I asked myself as i put the bubblegum into my mouth and changed into my costume. I ran around the corner right s the man went to grab the newly recognizable newscaster. I speed in the way of the criminal and grabbed his hand. "Now don't you think you are proving her right? I would just give up now and we can do this the easy way." I say as he stares at me frightened. I felt him loosen his stance and I let go getting ready to turn him around to subdue him but he swung at my face. Hard. I bit back the sudden but quick pain that hit my jaw and used my speed to grab his arm and twist it behind his back. He dropped to the ground and swung his leg to trip me. I let go of his arm and he stood up grabbing a nearby pipe from the ground.

"Now hasn't your mommy ever taught you not to hit a girl" I say speeding him agains the wall yelling at the woman to go get the police. I aimed a punch a the mans face and he dodged causing me to hit the wall. I winced barely but he took the opportunity to get out of my grip.

"Yes, but she never said anything and superhero girls. I found a loophole you see. But i regret aiming for that pretty face of yours." I growled again and pinned him to the ground. I aimed punch after punch at his face as i watched him fall unconscious. I didn't stop then, I couldn't. It felt too satisfying to keep going. I smirked until i felt strong arms pull me back and snap me out of the trance I was in. I struggled feeling the urge to keep going after the criminal. He needed to be punished for his actions.

"Get off of me. Let me go." I yelled struggling. My visions went red and I felt my hands heat up as i grabbed the person holding me. I heard a groan and a yelp as I was released. I immediately felt another set or arms restraining my hands as i finally began to calm down. I looked around and saw Ray and Henry. Ray was standing a few feet away and Henry had his hands secured on my wrists. I looked towards the man and saw that he was badly bruised and unconscious.

"What did you do Faith" Henry asked as i heard sirens and news helicopters approaching.

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