Chapter 13

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Faiths POV:

I turn on the Tv and see its on the news. I groan and look at the guide when I hear. " the duo has done it again Supernova and Daring Danger has captured Venomous the villain that threatened our local Girl Wonder. We the citizens of Swellview ask our local Heroes what will happen to the notorious villain and what will they do to thank the superheroes of Grandville." I looked long and hard at the TV shocked at what I had just heard. They caught her I need to go thank them personally and collect her myself. Ray walks in and I ask "did you hear what happened in Grandville?" He looks at me and replies "yeah I have already ordered that a special cell be built for her the where she can't escape. We have to go meet the two girls who captured her later today and thank them." I look at him and speed to get out of my pjs and into my day clothing. I pop a bubble and feel my clothing shift into my suit. I walk out of my room and into the main lab. I skip to Ray and jump on his back. He stiffens up and I couldn't help but giggle and cover his eyes. He lets out a relieved sigh and says "I wonder who is on my back." I know I was being childish but it was fun to let lose once and a whim and .... oh who am I kidding I never got to have a childhood so I use my time now to act as I am one. I speed off of his back and into the closet where I found my suit the first day I was here. I hid behind the clothing and pressed against the wall only to have something stick me in my back. I turn and find a door I open it and look inside it was pitch black but it was a bedroom. I found a switch and it lit up a nursery there was another door to the side and I speed over to it and open it to find a brick wall. I look to the corner of the room and see a picture of a girl my age with Ray. I pick it up and see up was dated last year. Ray was supposed to have a kid and if so what happened to it.

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