Chapter 9

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I woke up to a voice waking me up. I looked around my room to see it was pitch black.

"He's next to you." A voice in my head said. I looked next to me and saw the outline of a man. I quickly pinned them to the ground and asked "who is this?" My eyes started to adjust and I saw Ray. "oh my gosh Ray I'm sorry I thought you were someone else." I said still laying on top of him. I quickly noticed our awkward position and got off of Ray.

"It's fine Faith I was just about to wake you up for school." He said getting up. I shooed him out of the room and started getting ready. I made an Instagram after I got ready and followed Henry and his sister who really seem to like me. They instantly followed me back and I smiled to myself.

"Wow this bond is really strong." I heard in my head. I have heard that voice twice and I have no idea where it's coming from.

"It's coming from Venomous, which is me." She said in my head.

"Wow how did you do this, make a bond between us." I thought.

"The powder I blew in your face last night." she said.

"Okay" I thought and checked my phone.

"If you tell anyone I will kill you" she said as I started walking out the door to the elevator.

"How are you supposed to do that." I thought only to have seconds later my heart started to slow down and I felt as if my brain was being exploded millions of times. I fell to the ground and Ray came rushing from nowhere asking if I was okay. As soon as the pin started it stopped.

"I am fine" I said to Ray earning a suspicious look from him and I thought. "okay I get it now but I need to leave for school so if you could refrain from killing me for today that would be fine." I said walking out the door.

"I'll try" said the voice and I speed to the school. I saw Val and ran up to her scaring her from behind. I saw her jump from her skin and turn from her locker. I tried to hold in my laugh and so did she but as soon as we made eye contact we both burst out laughing. I quickly said I was sorry in which the reply was that's okay. We heard the bell ring and made our way to class.


We were dismissed from school and decided to walk home. I surprisingly have not heard the voice all day maybe the bond wore off. We got to the point were we had to go our separate ways and I went right Val went left.

"Bye Val" I said.

"Bye Fat" She said laughing. I rolled my eyes and turned away from her.

"School is so boring how do you do it every day." The voice in my head asked me.

"Can you just leave me alone until I get home I need to think." I said in my head and got no reply so I started thinking about who the villain could be. It can't be Val, I just know it. It can't be anyone at school because she asked how I do school everyday and the answer to that is Val. I guess I may not know the person yet. I look around and see no one here so I speed home. I take the elevator and close my eyes as I fall 30 floors or so. I open my eyes when I feel no motion and I see I am actually still standing.

Henry Danger (Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt