Chapter 17

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(This chapter is dedicated to @Jasmine10Love and @Bri_Loves_HenryDanger for the wonderful comments and lovely votes.)

The note that Ray showed me that was left in place of his wife/fiancée. It had weird capitals and that's how he figured out where she was. Oh crap did Venomous do this if so we really need to rethink he position as a threat. I looked at Ray and it looked as if the same thing dawned on him. I walked over to him and gave him a big hug. Henry looked at us as if we were crazy so I winked at him and said "Its nothing I jus needed some comfort memories came back" I was clearly lying and he was still suspicious so I speed and hugged him to. He awkwardly pay my back and so I let go. I told him his phone was ringing in another room and he ran to answer. Once he told up he had to go home I immediately hugged Ray again.

"I'm fine, I can't believe we found out who killed her." He said.

"What was her name and what was the baby's supposed to be." I asked still hugging him.

"Her name was Julia and the baby's name was supposed to be Derek it was a girl we were gonna name her after her grandmother." he said turning to me in the hug. He looked into my eyes and said very softly "Thank you, so much." I just squeezed him tighter.

~Later that day~

I was sitting in the couch when I got a text from Hayden. I smiled and opened it.

H~ Hey bae, I was thinking that maybe we could go out sometime. I really like you it's taken me like two hours to work up the courage to ask.

F~ I think that would be wonderful

H~ Great I'll pick you up at 7 tonight wear something casual.

F~ Yes sir, Lol.

I smiled at the text and realized I didn't know what time it was I checked my phone and saw it was 4 okay so I have three hours to get ready I immediately took the longest shower I my life and got dressed in (picture above). I looked at the clock and saw I still had an hour. I put on some makeup and sat on the couch remembering I told him I volunteered at the shop from 5-7. So I got in the elevator for the first time going up and closed my eyes. I felt it go up and I got out and walked through the back at the same time the door opened. I ran over to him and said hey the store was weird and I didn't want him snooping around. We walked out the door and down the street to a bakery and my eyes lit up. I LOVE BAKERIES AND SWEETS OR ANYTHING SWEET OR SPICY OR ANY FOOD BUT BAKERIES ARE BAE.

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